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发布时间:2018-11-06 18:00
【摘要】:随着时代的进步、经济的发展,人们越来越注重自身的生活环境。特别是居住在大中城市里的居民,在购房时,除了关注房型、面积、采光要求外,也特别关注住宅小区绿化质量。能够居住在绿色生态住宅小里成为每个城市人的梦想。在小区建设中应本着“以人为本、回归自然、生态健康”的设计理念,充分利用小区内的有限空间,实施绿化、造景,力求营造“绿树成荫、花木扶疏、鸟语花香、缓坡清流、阳光草坪、生机盎然”的人间仙境。基于这种发展趋势,作者在了解居住区景观设计及自然生态模式的理念及发展模式下,以近年来,商洛迅速发展的房地产业,唱响全国“秦岭最美是商洛”品牌,日益成为商洛最具活力的主导产业为背景,针对具体方案进行设计。 陕西商洛“仙娥湖”生态旅游休闲度假区规划设计是区域尺度的土地利用和较大生态系统之间的关系以及发展中可能的环境关系进行再设计。在整个度假区项目中,作者本人只参与了其中住宅区景观设计部分,建立在具体的细部景观设计与施工管理的准则之上,且在遵循生态度假区项目整体规划思路的前提下,针对片区内不同用地所承载的不同功能进行分析研究,包括建筑的安排、入口、停车场、交通、种植的各种功能的分析和安排,设计出合理且富有创新意义的方案。通过对片区不同分区的挖掘和设计为整个度假区项目的定位与发展提供有力的支点,扩大其在项目周边及同类项目中的影响力,塑造良好的品牌,从而引起投资商及消费者对文化旅游房地产项目的更大关注,更加有效地推动中国房地产事业的发展,促进社会经济的可持续发展。 家在每个人的心目中都有着重要的地位,一个舒适温馨的家能够让人松弛工作生活中的压力,使人们在工作之余,生活,休息在花繁叶茂,富有生机、优美舒适的环境中,与自然的阴晴雨雪和动植物协调地生存在一起,是人对文化和自然的追求是永恒的理想。
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times and the development of economy, people pay more and more attention to their living environment. Especially the residents living in large and medium cities pay special attention to the greening quality of residential district in addition to paying attention to the house type, area, lighting requirements. To be able to live in a small green ecological house is the dream of everyone in the city. In the construction of the community, we should make full use of the limited space in the district, implement the greening and landscape creation, and strive to create "green trees, trees and flowers, flowers and flowers, gentle slope and clear flow" in line with the design concept of "people-oriented, returning to nature and ecological health", making full use of the limited space in the community. Sun lawn, full of life "the world fairyland." Based on this development trend, under the understanding of the concept and development mode of residential landscape design and natural ecological model, the author, with the rapid development of the real estate industry in Shangluo in recent years, sings the brand of "Shangluo is the most beautiful in Qinling," Shangluo increasingly become the most dynamic leading industry for the background, designed for specific projects. The planning and design of Shangluo "Xiane Lake" ecotourism resort area is redesigned by the relationship between land use on a regional scale and a larger ecosystem, as well as the possible environmental relationship in the process of development. In the whole resort project, the author only participates in the residential landscape design part, which is based on the detailed landscape design and construction management criteria, and follows the premise of the overall planning of the ecological resort project. This paper analyzes and studies the different functions of different land use in the area, including the arrangement of architecture, entrance, parking lot, traffic and planting, and designs a reasonable and innovative scheme. Through the excavation and design of different districts of the area, it can provide a powerful fulcrum for the positioning and development of the whole resort project, expand its influence in the project periphery and similar projects, and create a good brand. Thus, investors and consumers pay more attention to cultural tourism real estate projects, promote the development of China's real estate industry more effectively, and promote the sustainable development of social economy. Home has an important position in everyone's mind. A comfortable and warm home can relax the pressure of work and life, so that people can rest in a prosperous, beautiful and comfortable environment after work. Living in harmony with nature, rain, snow, animals and plants is the eternal ideal of man's pursuit of culture and nature.


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