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发布时间:2018-11-06 20:33
【摘要】:房地产关系着国民经济的发展,同时也关系着人们的住房等民生问题,房地产业已经是社会各界广泛关注的领域。伴随着近几年来我国经济的高速发展和人民生活水平的逐步提高,房地产业有了较快发展,但与此相关的房地产市场秩序混乱和房价持续非理性上涨成为制约我国房地产业持续健康发展的最大问题。通过历年房地产政策的制度的分析我们了解到,从1998年开始我国房地产逐步繁荣,随之而来调控政策也接踵而至,房地产宏观调控政策之中包含土地政策,信贷政策,经济政策,行政措施,从2005年开始,政府针对调控房地产市场,先后制定了“新老国八条”、“国六条”、“国十五条”等一系列房地产调控政策,并在2011年出台了限购令,在2013年初的国五条更是强调要将限购、限贷贯彻执行,并同时启动更加严厉的房产税征收政策,以上政策无不表明了政府对房地产市场的调控决心。那么现行房地产调控政策是否能够完成稳定房价,实现房地产调控的目标呢?现行房地产市场宏观调控政策存在的问题如何?我们该从哪几个方面的政策调整来更好的进行调控呢?本文通过对房地产调控政策的演变分析,结合国外房地产政策一些特点的分析,整理出目前我国房地产调控政策的各项举措,在以上的基础上对我国现行房地产政策进行了分析并提出问题,最后针对现有房地产调控提出了各项政策的建议。 本文的特点在于运用多种分析方法,包括利益分析、制度分析、比较分析,详实的调研了国内外房地产政策以及数据,对房地产的政策进行归纳分析。重点对目前现行的房产税征收政策,限购政策进行深度分析,提出问题。针对相关问题对未来房地产调控政策的方向提出自己的见解,包括地方政府的执行力、二手房的交易政策、房屋保障政策等。
[Abstract]:Real estate is related to the development of the national economy and people's housing and other livelihood issues. The real estate industry has been widely concerned by all walks of life. With the rapid economic development and the gradual improvement of people's living standards in recent years, the real estate industry has developed rapidly. However, the chaos of real estate market and the continuous irrational rise of house prices are the biggest problems restricting the sustainable and healthy development of real estate industry in China. Through the analysis of the system of real estate policy over the years, we know that since 1998, China's real estate industry has gradually flourished, followed by regulation and control policies. Real estate macro-control policies include land policies, credit policies, Economic policies, administrative measures, since 2005, the government has formulated a series of real estate control policies such as "eight articles of New and Old countries", "six articles of State", "Article 15 of China" and so on, aiming at regulating and controlling the real estate market. In 2011, the government issued a purchase restriction order. At the beginning of 2013, China's five rules stressed the need to limit purchases, limit lending, and at the same time launch a more stringent property tax collection policy, all of which shows the government's determination to regulate the real estate market. So whether the current real estate regulation policy can achieve the stability of housing prices, to achieve the real estate regulation and control objectives? What are the problems in the current macro-control policies of the real estate market? From which aspects of policy adjustment should we better carry out regulation and control? Based on the analysis of the evolution of the real estate regulation and control policy and the analysis of some characteristics of the foreign real estate policy, this paper collates the various measures of the real estate regulation and control policy in our country at present. On the basis of the above, this paper analyzes the current real estate policy of our country and puts forward some problems. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the regulation and control of the existing real estate. This article is characterized by the use of a variety of analytical methods, including interest analysis, system analysis, comparative analysis, detailed investigation of domestic and foreign real estate policies and data, real estate policies are summarized and analyzed. Focus on the current property tax collection policy, limited purchase policy in-depth analysis, put forward problems. In view of the related problems, the author puts forward his own opinions on the direction of the future real estate regulation policy, including the executive power of the local government, the transaction policy of the second-hand house, the housing security policy and so on.


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