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发布时间:2018-11-18 17:58
【摘要】:1998年我国开始全面推进住房制度的改革,取消了福利分房政策,转向了住宅的市场化,住宅私有化开始登上历史的舞台,使得居民购房热潮高涨,房地产进入快速发展的阶段。 云南省的房地产业的发展相对全国来说比较落后,但随着经济的发展,房地产业在开发投资的规模、速度和水平上都有了较大的发展。但是在从云南省各州市的情况来看,发展很不均衡,区域发展差异很大。本文以云南省各州市为研究对象,通过单因素和综合因素分析相结合的方法,全面分析了云南省住宅地产发展的差异,总结各区域发展的特点,研究形成具体差异的原因并提出促进住宅地产发展的建议。对云南省整个住宅房地产业的发展有着借鉴意义。 本文第一部分阐述了研究背景、目的、意义、国内外的研究现状和研究方案和技术路线等。第二部分介绍了房地产的一些相关基础理论,主要包括:房地产基础理论、区位理论、区域非均衡理论、供求理论等为文章下文分析奠定了理论基础。第三部分分析了云南省整个住宅市场的运行情况,,主要从宏观经济环境、住宅投资规模、供给销售情况和价格购买能力几个角度进行分析,得出了整个云南省住宅发地产发展的特点。第四部分是对云南省各州市住宅房地产的投资规模、投资结构、投资空间分布情况、供给、需求、市场发展成熟度、价格和购买力水平等几个方面进行了单因素区域差异分析,其次根据各个差异指标运用聚类分析法将云南省住宅房地产的发展分为了五个发展区,并总结了每个发展区的特点。第五部分以房价为代表指标,根据第四部分的分类结果,结合实际发展情况和样本充足性的原则将五个发展区合并为四个区域。分别对每个区域作为研究对象,建立面板模型,研究各个区域对住宅价的影响因素。采用了2004年到2012年各个州市的数据,选取了人均GDP、城镇人均可支配收入、城镇人口、金融机构贷款余额、建成区面积和财政支出等六项指标进行研究。得出对第一发展区影响显著的因素有城镇人口、建成区面积、人均可支配收入和财政支出;对第二发展区影响显著的因素有人均可支配收入、城镇人口、金融机构贷款余额;对第三、四类发展区来说显著的影响因素均为城镇人均可支配收入和人均GDP。最后一部分为结论并针对以上的研究分析结果提出对策性的建议,主要包括:1、加快经济发展、缩小区域差异。2、加速推进城镇化进程。3、加快保障性住房和小户型住房的建设,缓解中低收入人群的购房压力。4、制定相对完善的财政政策和金融调控政策调控房地产业的发展。
[Abstract]:In 1998, our country began to promote the reform of housing system in an all-round way, cancelled the welfare housing division policy, turned to the housing marketization, the housing privatization began to mount the historical stage, made the residents purchase the house upsurge, the real estate entered the rapid development stage. The development of the real estate industry in Yunnan Province is relatively backward compared with the whole country, but with the development of the economy, the scale, speed and level of the investment in the development of the real estate industry have been greatly developed. However, from the situation of Yunnan Province, the development is very uneven, regional development is very different. This paper takes every city of Yunnan Province as the research object, through the method of combining the single factor and the comprehensive factor analysis, analyzes the difference of the residential real estate development in Yunnan Province, summarizes the characteristics of the regional development. This paper studies the causes of the difference and puts forward some suggestions to promote the development of residential real estate. For the development of the entire housing real estate industry in Yunnan Province has reference significance. The first part of this paper describes the research background, purpose, significance, domestic and foreign research status, research programs and technical routes. The second part introduces some basic theories of real estate, including: real estate basic theory, location theory, regional disequilibrium theory, supply and demand theory and so on. The third part analyzes the operation of the whole housing market in Yunnan Province, mainly from the macroeconomic environment, housing investment scale, supply and sales situation and price purchasing ability. Obtained the whole Yunnan Province residential real estate development characteristics. The fourth part analyzes the single factor regional difference in investment scale, investment structure, investment spatial distribution, supply, demand, market maturity, price and purchasing power level of residential real estate in various cities of Yunnan Province. Secondly, the development of residential real estate in Yunnan Province is divided into five development areas by cluster analysis, and the characteristics of each development area are summarized. The fifth part takes housing price as the representative index, according to the classification result of the fourth part, combines the actual development situation and the principle of sample adequacy to merge the five development areas into four regions. For each area as the research object, the panel model is established to study the impact of each area on housing prices. Based on the data of each city from 2004 to 2012, this paper selects the per capita GDP, per capita disposable income, urban population, loan balance of financial institutions, the area of built-up areas and fiscal expenditure. The factors that have significant influence on the first development area are the urban population, the area of the built-up area, the per capita disposable income and the fiscal expenditure, and the factors that have a significant impact on the second development area are the per capita disposable income, the urban population and the loan balance of the financial institutions. The significant factors affecting the third and four types of development areas are urban per capita disposable income and per capita GDP.. The last part is the conclusion and puts forward the countermeasure suggestion according to the above research and analysis result, mainly includes: 1, quicken the economic development, reduce the regional difference. 2, accelerate the urbanization process. 3. Speed up the construction of affordable housing and small-sized housing, ease the pressure on low-income people to buy houses. 4. Formulate relatively perfect fiscal and financial policies to control the development of real estate.


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