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发布时间:2018-11-18 19:09
【摘要】:随着A市城市化进程加快,区域经济的发展将带来更广阔的空间和发展效应,房地产市场也必将迎来较大的发展空间。ACC项目的建设符合A市经济发展需要,对拉动A市工业化经济发展,城镇化健康稳定发展起着极大的辅助作用。目前项目所在区域的开发氛围逐步成熟,ACC项目的开发,符合该园区物业供给的基本特征,有助于改善该区域商业服务配套物业结构局部供给相对失衡,且充分利用了城市宝贵的土地资源,适应了园区整体配套现代化的趋势,也有利于城市总体规划的具体实施。但由于房产行业投资大且回收期长,很容易受到宏观经济和政策、居民收入和消费心理的影响,其开发过程中容易出现很多不确定的风险和问题。一旦这些问题和风险造成开发方决策失误,必将给其自身和社会带来严重的浪费,因此对地产项目进行可行性分析是非常有必要的。 笔者利用可行性研究的知识和理论对ACC房地产项目进行可行性论证研究。首先,从国家和A市的宏观经济和相关政策方面对地产项目进行了剖析;接着从房地产市场发展和ACC项目市场竞争情况等方面对项目产品进行了全方位分析,并根据实际调查取得的成果,对醒目的客户进行细分,对项目产品和功能进行了合理的定位;随之在项目财务分析、不确定性风险等方面对项目进行了投资方面的可行性分析;最后得出ACC项目具有非常强的可行性的结论,对项目的运营提供了可靠的实际参考价值。 本文在对ACC项目可行性研究的同时,对项目的经济收益进行预期估算。ACC项目地产的净利润约为38051万元,净利润率为17.86%,投资净利润率为43.79%,项目保本销售率为69.46%。根据项目本身的调查,项目销售82%是非常乐观的。财务分析对项目的运行提供了较科学的建议,最终可以预见ACC项目的开发具有很高的价值。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization in A city, the development of regional economy will bring wider space and development effect, and the real estate market will certainly usher in a larger development space. The construction of ACC project meets the needs of economic development in A city. It plays an important role in promoting the development of industrialization economy and the healthy and stable development of urbanization. At present, the development atmosphere of the area in which the project is located is gradually maturing, and the development of the ACC project accords with the basic characteristics of the property supply in the park, and helps to improve the relative imbalance of the local supply of the property structure of the commercial services in the region. It makes full use of the valuable land resources of the city, adapts to the trend of the modernization of the park, and is beneficial to the implementation of the overall urban planning. However, because of the large investment and long payback period in the real estate industry, it is easy to be affected by the macro economy and policies, residents' income and consumption psychology, so it is easy to appear many uncertain risks and problems in the process of development. Once these problems and risks cause the decision error of the developer, it will bring serious waste to itself and the society, so it is necessary to analyze the feasibility of the real estate project. The author uses the knowledge and theory of feasibility study to study the feasibility of ACC real estate project. First of all, from the state and A City macro-economic and related policies to analyze the real estate projects; Then from the real estate market development and ACC project market competition and other aspects of the overall analysis of the project products, and according to the results of the actual investigation, the prominent customer segmentation, The product and function of the project are positioned reasonably; Then the feasibility analysis of project investment is made in the aspects of project financial analysis, uncertainty risk and so on. Finally, the conclusion that ACC project has very strong feasibility is obtained, which provides a reliable practical reference value for the operation of the project. While studying the feasibility of ACC project, this paper estimates the economic benefit of the project. The net profit of real estate of ACC project is about 380.51 million yuan, the net profit margin is 17.86, and the net profit margin of investment is 43.79 percent. Project capital preservation sales rate is 69.46. According to the project itself survey, project sales 82% is very optimistic. Financial analysis provides more scientific suggestions for project operation, and it can be predicted that the development of ACC project is of high value.


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2 苏强;;可行性研究在房地产开发中的作用[J];城乡建设;2008年08期

3 张东超;;项目法施工的成本控制[J];陕西建筑;2006年07期

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