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发布时间:2018-11-18 20:06
【摘要】:作为国民经济一个支柱型产业,近年来,房地产行业的作用日益显现。随着我国市场经济不断完善和企业环境复杂性和不确定性的增大,房地产市场竞争的日益激烈对房地产企业提出严峻的挑战。人力资源管理作为企业核心竞争力的关键必然引起了房地产企业的重视,但是现阶段企业在人力资源管理制度建设中还存在一些问题,尤其是绩效考核制度的问题更为突出。现行绩效考核存在过程过于繁琐、考核对象不明确、面谈反馈阶段缺乏、表格过多、考勤分值过重、奖罚占分值过重等问题,很容易造成员工对现行绩效考核制度的不满,工作热情下降,影响企业的市场竞争优势的发挥。因此,房地产企业应充分认识到提升公司绩效,建立并完善绩效考核制度,提升企业管理能力的重要性。本文以泰华房地产公司为研究对象,通过采集和分析泰华人力资源绩效考核状况的信息,分析了该公司人力资源绩效考核的现状,发现目前其在人力资源绩效考核方面存在的问题,根据泰华房地产公司的自身的发展情况,为该公司人力资源绩效考核制度的完善提出了相应的对策建议,以期使公司的管理人员了解更加合理的人力资源绩效考核方式,更科学有效地管理公司,,从而使泰华房地产公司在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,实现企业的可持续发展。 本文首先介绍了论文的研究背景、论文目的、国内外研究现状、研究方法及创新点以及内容概述等问题,然后介绍了泰华房地产公司人力绩效考核的现状,分析了该公司的基本情况及公司人力资源管理的总体状况,进而得出泰华房地产公司人力资源绩效考核存在绩效考核标准设计不科学、考核指标过度重视定性化、绩效考核方法单一、绩效考核缺乏动态性、考核结果难以被应用等问题,并分析了这些问题存在的原因,主要包括绩效管理及考核脱离了公司战略、考核前对岗位分析不充分、绩效考核专员不够专业、企业的激励机制不完善、高层领导对考核不够重视等方面,其中在绩效考核过程中,管理者对考核的重视程度至关重要。最后针对泰华房地产公司人力资源绩效考核出现的问题及原因,从制定科学合理的绩效考核标准、采用合理的考核方法、加强对考核人员的培训、注重考核沟通和反馈、将考核结果与激励有机结合等方面对完善房地产公司的人力资源绩效考核提出了自己的对策建议。
[Abstract]:As a pillar industry of the national economy, in recent years, the role of the real estate industry is increasingly apparent. With the continuous improvement of the market economy and the increasing complexity and uncertainty of the enterprise environment, the fierce competition in the real estate market poses a severe challenge to the real estate enterprises. Human resource management, as the key of the core competence of the enterprise, will inevitably arouse the attention of the real estate enterprise. However, there are still some problems in the construction of the human resource management system, especially the problem of the performance appraisal system. The current performance appraisal process is too complicated, the appraisal object is not clear, the interview feedback stage is lacking, the form is too many, the attendance score is too heavy, the reward and punishment occupies the value excessively, and so on, which easily causes the staff to be dissatisfied with the current performance appraisal system. Work enthusiasm drops, affect the market competition advantage of the enterprise play. Therefore, real estate enterprises should fully realize the importance of improving company performance, establishing and perfecting performance appraisal system, and enhancing enterprise management ability. This paper takes Taihua Real Estate Company as the research object, through collecting and analyzing the information of Taihua Human Resources performance Appraisal, analyzes the present situation of Taihua Human Resource performance Appraisal. This paper finds out the existing problems in the performance appraisal of human resources, and according to the development of Taihua Real Estate Company, puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the perfection of the performance appraisal system of human resources of Taihua Real Estate Company. In order to make the managers of the company understand more reasonable human resource performance appraisal way, manage the company more scientifically and effectively, thus make Taihua real estate company stand firm in the fierce market competition, realize the sustainable development of the enterprise. This paper first introduces the research background, the purpose of the paper, the current research situation at home and abroad, research methods and innovation points, as well as an overview of the content, and then introduces the current situation of human performance evaluation of Taihua Real Estate Company. This paper analyzes the basic situation of the company and the overall situation of the human resource management of the company, and then draws the conclusion that the design of the performance appraisal standard is not scientific, and the appraisal index is too much emphasis on the qualitative nature of the performance appraisal of Taihua Real Estate Company. The performance appraisal method is single, the performance appraisal lacks the dynamic nature, the appraisal result is difficult to be applied and so on, and analyzes the reason which these problems exist, mainly includes the performance management and the appraisal deviates from the company strategy, before the appraisal does not have the sufficient analysis to the post. The performance appraisal specialist is not professional, the incentive mechanism of the enterprise is not perfect, and the senior leaders do not pay enough attention to the performance appraisal. Finally, in view of the problems and reasons of human resource performance appraisal in Taihua Real Estate Company, from formulating scientific and reasonable performance appraisal standard, adopting reasonable assessment method, strengthening the training of appraisal personnel, paying attention to assessment communication and feedback. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the performance appraisal of human resources in real estate companies.


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