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发布时间:2018-11-19 18:36
[Abstract]:The level of leverage in the resident sector in China is relatively low, and there is still more room for "additional leverage", which can promote the transfer of domestic demand and debt leverage between the government, enterprises and the resident sector by promoting residents' borrowing and consumption. So as to ease the downward pressure on the economy and achieve a macro-debt risk "soft landing." According to the development experience of the United States and South Korea, the level of resident sector debt is closely related to a country's economic growth, financial liberalization and financial innovation, government policy incentives, real estate market development and other factors. Draw lessons from international experience, in the future, we should try our best to guide the residents to borrow money, encourage and promote the innovation of consumption finance, promote the combination of new consumption hot spots and consumer finance innovation, and construct the housing policy finance system. Development of securitization of housing mortgage loans.
【作者单位】: 国家信息中心经济预测部;


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