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发布时间:2019-01-05 09:34
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy, the material living standard of per capita has been improved significantly, which has put forward higher requirements for the living environment and brought more space for the development of the real estate industry. Because of its own characteristics, the real estate industry in our country plays an important role in driving up and down the industrial chain and increasing employment. Especially, the business tax and income tax paid by real estate enterprises have become the main source of local tax revenue. This will help the local government to carry out various business in an orderly manner. However, due to the fierce market competition, the tax revenue of the real estate development enterprises is also facing different degrees of tax risk, which needs to strengthen the tax risk management, through specialization, fine tax management, increase local tax revenue. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the tax risk management of the real estate development enterprises, combining with the actual situation, to seek reasonable countermeasures for the existing problems.
【作者单位】: 重庆理工大学会计学院;重庆市渝北区地方税务局;


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