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发布时间:2019-01-05 17:13
【摘要】:农业是整个国民经济的基础,在农业企业当中,农业上市公司又是农业企业代表,农业上市公司对实现我国农业现代化有着举足轻重的作用。但是,通过研究发现有很多的农业上市公司从事着与“农”并无直接关系的经济活动。有学者也对这个现象进行了大量的研究,有超过82%的农业上市公司或多或少存在这一问题。大量农业上市公司在主营业务、主要产品、劳务类型以及社会综合贡献方面严重背离农业,热心投资于房地产、贸易、金融、医药等与农业并不直接相关的行业,这种现象就是所谓的“背农经营”。通过分析11家重点农业上市公司2012年的财务报告,就农业上市公司发布的数据以及文化沿革对背农现象进行了研究和探讨。 得出“背农”有以下几个动因:(一)资本逐利驱动,农业上市公司受农业产业周期性影响,所以通过“背农”来平衡对现金的需要;(二)传统的轻农思想,让农业上市公司想摆脱农业这顶“帽子”;(三)管理层权力欲膨胀,规模扩大的迫切需要与农业难以做大、做强的矛盾;(四)羊群行为的推波助澜。农业上市公司“背农”经营违背了政府宏观调控的意愿、阻碍了农业现代化的发展以及打击了农民从农的积极性。对农业上市公司自身来说,选择非农行业投资造成了农业资金的外流,使其难以应对市场风险管理,并且导致其在农业领域的竞争力下降,从而减少了农民的收入,农业上市公司“背农”经营对农业的发展产生了不利影响。为了改善农业上市公司“背农”经营状态,从政府层面提出了优化政府扶持政策、提高日常服务效率、强化政府部门监督的对策,引导企业走农业可持续发展道路;公司层面提出了重视农业职业教育走人才战略道路、市场化导向着眼长远发展、完善公司治理结构等对策建议。 对有“背农”经营的农业上市公司应当尽快采取措施回笼资金、集中资金扎根农业,履行起真正农业企业当尽的社会责任,切不可盲目地“过度”扩张进入新的经营领域,必须统筹安排,使有限资源发挥最大化作用。
[Abstract]:Agriculture is the foundation of the whole national economy. Among agricultural enterprises, agricultural listed companies are the representatives of agricultural enterprises. Agricultural listed companies play an important role in the realization of agricultural modernization in China. However, many agricultural listed companies are engaged in economic activities which are not directly related to agriculture. Some scholars have also done a lot of research on this phenomenon, more than 82% of agricultural listed companies more or less exist this problem. A large number of listed agricultural companies deviate from agriculture in their main business, main products, types of services, and social contribution, and are keen to invest in industries not directly related to agriculture, such as real estate, trade, finance, medicine, etc. This phenomenon is the so-called "back farming operation." Based on the analysis of the financial reports of 11 key agricultural listed companies in 2012, this paper studies and discusses the phenomenon of agricultural backwardness on the basis of the published data and cultural evolution of agricultural listed companies. It is concluded that "back farmers" have the following motivations: (1) capital driven by interest, agricultural listed companies are influenced by the periodicity of agricultural industry, so "back farmers" to balance the need for cash; (2) the traditional thinking of light agriculture makes agricultural listed companies want to get rid of the "hat" of agriculture, (3) the urgent need for the expansion of management power and the urgent need to expand the scale of management are in contradiction with the difficulty of making agriculture bigger and stronger; (4) herding behavior contributes to the fire. The management of agricultural listed companies violates the government's intention of macro-control, hinders the development of agricultural modernization and strikes the enthusiasm of farmers from agriculture. For listed agricultural companies themselves, the choice of non-agricultural investments has led to an outflow of agricultural funds, making it difficult to cope with market risk management and resulting in a decline in competitiveness in agriculture, thereby reducing farmers' incomes. Agricultural listed companies, "back farming" management on the development of agriculture has had a negative impact. In order to improve the management state of agricultural listed companies, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of optimizing the government support policy, improving the efficiency of daily service, strengthening the supervision of government departments, and guiding enterprises to take the road of sustainable development of agriculture. At the company level, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as paying attention to agricultural vocational education and taking the path of talent strategy, market-oriented orientation and long-term development, and perfecting the corporate governance structure, and so on. For agricultural listed companies with "backfarm" operations, measures should be taken as soon as possible to withdraw funds, concentrate funds to take root in agriculture, fulfil the social responsibility of real agricultural enterprises, and must not blindly "over-" expand into new business fields. It must be arranged as a whole to maximize the effect of limited resources.


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