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发布时间:2019-03-21 08:19
【摘要】:随着城市化进程的不断深入,我国房地产建设持续升温,为了抢占市场,促进资金迅速回笼,开发商在工程实施方面乱象频生。工程实施的混乱伴随而来的则是产品质量的低劣和品牌的损害,随着房地产销售的竞争加剧,品质无疑成为左右天秤平衡的砝码。万科、龙湖地产在质量管理方面是行业的领跑者,而作为几乎同时起步的KB房地产公司由于战略及决策原因、管理上不能做到与时俱进,质量管理缺乏精耕细作,近年来在质量管理上无所建树。2011年七省新闻媒体同时曝光其质量问题,被一度卷入“质量门”,誉为“问题大王”,一时将该公司推向媒体的风口浪尖。如何解决公司的管理瓶颈,如何提升品牌意识,如何打造出优秀的产品品质,成为KB公司迫切需要解决的问题。 本论文基于KB公司目前房地产项目的质量管理现状,首先通过对KB集团管控模式、质量管理体系、质量目标及愿景、制度执行等系统性的因素进行分析,找出系统管理的不足。其次,以全面质量管理理论为指导,利用相关工具对管理数据进行对比分析,发现问题存在的主要症结及薄弱环节。最后在借鉴国内标杆公司成功质量管理的基础上,采取PDCA质量改进模式,提出KB公司在项目实施、质量监控及绩效,组织制度及文化方面的改进及保障措施。此外,还要求在企业内部建立起互动型的质量管理环境,定期监督与考核,不断提升KB集团房地产项目质量管理水平。本论文重视从实际中去发现问题、分析问题,从而找到解决问题的方法。同时,也希望此论文能为其它类似性质的房地产公司提供管理上的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:With the continuous deepening of urbanization, the construction of real estate in China continues to heat up, in order to seize the market, promote the rapid return of funds, developers in the implementation of the project frequent chaos. The confusion of project implementation is accompanied by poor product quality and brand damage. As the competition of real estate sales intensifies, quality undoubtedly becomes the balance of balance between right and right scales. Vanke, Longhu Real Estate is the leader of the industry in quality management, and KB Real Estate Company, which started almost at the same time, is unable to keep pace with the times in management because of strategic and decision-making reasons, and the quality management lacks intensive cultivation. In recent years, there has been no success in quality management. In 2011, seven provincial news media exposed their quality problems at the same time, and were once involved in the "quality door", known as the "king of problems", pushing the company to the forefront of the media for the time being. How to solve the bottleneck of company management, how to promote brand awareness, how to create excellent product quality, has become an urgent problem to be solved by KB Company. Based on the present situation of the real estate project quality management in KB Company, this paper firstly analyzes the systematic factors such as the control mode, the quality management system, the quality goal and the vision, the system execution and so on in KB Group, and finds out the deficiency of the system management. Secondly, guided by the theory of total quality management, the main crux and weakness of the problem are found by comparing and analyzing the management data with related tools. Finally, on the basis of the successful quality management of domestic benchmarking company, adopting the PDCA quality improvement mode, this paper puts forward the improvement and safeguard measures of KB company in the aspects of project implementation, quality control and performance, organizational system and culture. In addition, it also requires the establishment of an interactive quality management environment within the enterprise, regular supervision and assessment, and the continuous improvement of the quality management level of the real estate projects of the KB Group. In this paper, we focus on finding problems and analyzing them in practice, so as to find solutions to them. At the same time, it is hoped that this paper can provide reference for other real estate companies of similar nature.


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