[Abstract]:This paper theoretically analyzes the relationship between the way of technology introduction and the rise of real estate prices in China. We believe that the technology introduction to China in recent ten years has gone through the process of changing from prosperity to decline. This has caused a large amount of capital surplus from the real economy to the virtual economy, which has become an important reason for the sustained rise in real estate prices. The results of empirical research show that the decline in the intensity of technology introduction can lead to the rise of real estate prices. In addition, the expansion of bank credit and the nominal exchange rate of RMB are also the main reasons for the rise of house prices. At the same time, the expansion of bank credit also stems in part from the way of technology introduction. Therefore, we suggest that the key to curbing the rise in house prices is to strengthen the ability to innovate independently and bring capital back into the real economy.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学经济学院;
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