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发布时间:2019-04-15 19:33
【摘要】:随着信息化的发展,互连网需要提供更多的服务,构造更完善的体系以满足人们越来越多样化的需求。针对日益市场化的房地产市场,人们买卖租售房屋已成为一种司空见惯的行为,越来越多的房屋中介机构也应运而生,人们面对即时多变的大量房屋信息,如何从容的获知和管理成为了一大问题。面对信息时代的挑战,充分利用网络的优势来提高房屋买卖租售管理无疑是一条行之有效的途径。房屋租售信息平台就是这样一个信息与技术融合的必然产物。 房屋租售信息平台具有电子化可视性的优点,对于房屋机构来说系统化便于存储,易于管理;对于普通用户网络化方便获知,快捷交流。一个开发完善的房屋租售信息平台符合人们高效率获知处理信息的要求,甚至,房租租售管理方面的信息化与科学化,已成为现代化生活水平步入高台阶的重要标志。 本文主要论述了平台的的架构,各部分功能模块的实现模式。通过了解房屋租售平台的基本需求,开发出房屋租售发售,房屋出租,房屋租售求购,房屋求租等完善的基本功能。通过MYECLIPSE开发工具,灵活运用B/S架构访问TOMCAT服务器实现对各种房屋交易信息的处理逻辑。 本文中房屋租售信息平台采用JSP+SQL SERVER技术的B/S模式,其主要开发工作包括后台数据库的建立和维护,以及前端应用程序的开发。具体实现以下主要功能:管理员可以审核房屋信息,发布房屋信息,,管理系统成员,系统维护等;普通用户可以注册成员,查看房屋信息,网上对话交流等。 系统运行结果证明,本文所设计的房屋租售信息平台基本上可以满足用户的需要。
[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, Internet needs to provide more services and construct a more perfect system to meet people's more and more diverse needs. In view of the increasingly market-oriented real estate market, it has become a common behavior for people to buy and sell houses for rent and sale. More and more housing intermediaries have emerged as the times require, and people are faced with a large amount of housing information that is immediately changing. How to learn and manage calmly has become a big problem. In the face of the challenge of the information age, it is an effective way to make full use of the advantages of the network to improve the management of housing purchase and sale. Housing rental and sale information platform is such an inevitable product of information and technology integration. Housing rental and sale information platform has the advantages of electronic visibility, systematization and easy to store, easy to manage for housing organizations, and easy to learn and communicate quickly for ordinary users through network. A well-developed housing rental and sale information platform meets the requirements of people to obtain and process information efficiently. Even, the information and scientific management of rent and sale has become an important symbol of modern living standards to step into a high level. This paper mainly discusses the structure of the platform, the implementation mode of each part of the functional module. Through understanding the basic requirements of the rental and sale platform, the basic functions of rental and sale of housing, rental of houses, rental and sale of houses, rent-seeking of houses and so on are developed. Through MYECLIPSE development tools, flexible use of BES architecture to access TOMCAT server to realize the processing logic of all kinds of house transaction information. In this paper, the building rental and sale information platform is based on JSP SQL SERVER technology. The main development work includes the establishment and maintenance of background database, and the development of front-end application program. Specific implementation of the following main functions: administrators can audit housing information, publish housing information, management system members, system maintenance, etc.; ordinary users can register members, view house information, online dialogue and exchange. The running result of the system proves that the information platform designed in this paper can basically meet the needs of users.


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