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发布时间:2019-05-27 12:04
【摘要】:“时权式酒店”是一种旅游业、房地产业与酒店业相结合的新型财产,,它的特点是把产权按照时段分割成若干部分,并引入分时享有与交换使用这两大机制,从而实现物的利用效益的最大化。因其具备投资与居住的双重功能,“时权式酒店”在国外得到繁荣的发展。然而,由于对“时权式酒店”产权的法律性质存在争议,其在我国现行的房地产法以及物权法体系中难以持续发展,经济效益未能有效发挥。因此,有必要为“时权式酒店”选择合适的权利模式,并进一步完善相关的制度,为“时权式酒店”在我国的进一步发展保驾护航。 本文分为四部分,第一部分介绍“时权式酒店”在国外以及我国的发展状况。其中指出其在我国发展中存在的不足,并进一步分析不足的原因.第二部分析各国对“时权式酒店”采取的权利模式以及两种模式后的财产法构造。第三部分是探讨我国的“时权式酒店”产权的权利性质。第四部分在前述分析的基础上,进一步探讨时间区分所有权的相关配套制度的完善。
[Abstract]:"time right hotel" is a new type of property which combines tourism, real estate industry and hotel industry. it is characterized by the division of property rights into several parts according to the time period, and the introduction of the two mechanisms of time-sharing enjoyment and exchange use. In order to realize the maximization of the utilization benefit of things. Because of its dual functions of investment and residence, "time right hotel" has been prosperous in foreign countries. However, due to the dispute over the legal nature of the property right of "time right hotel", it is difficult to develop sustainably in the current real estate law and property law system of our country, and the economic benefit has not been brought into full play. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate right mode for the "time right hotel", and further improve the relevant system, so as to protect the further development of the "time right hotel" in our country. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part introduces the development of "time right Hotel" in foreign countries and our country. It points out the shortcomings in the development of our country, and further analyzes the reasons for the shortcomings. The second part analyzes the right model of "time right hotel" and the structure of property law after the two models. The third part is to explore the nature of the property rights of "time hotel" in our country. The fourth part, on the basis of the above analysis, further discusses the improvement of the relevant supporting system of time distinction ownership.


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