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发布时间:2019-07-02 20:40
【摘要】:在国家大力推进城镇化进程的政策下,我国的房地产行业在近些年一直延续着强劲的发展势头,房地产市场仍有很大的发展空间。但是由于过多的投资和投机需求进入市场,造成房价快速上涨。国家多项宏观政策的调控,在使房价上涨趋势得到遏制的同时,也促使房地产行业的格局发生重大变化。大型房地产企业的实力急剧增强,许多中小房地产企业却面临着经营困境,如何改变经营战略使企业获得竞争优势成为关注点。 甘肃时代集团自成立以来借助良好的外部经济环境在本地的房地产市场上获得了快速的发展。受政策调控及房地产行业高投入、高风险、周期长的特点影响,集团面临着较大的财务风险,在战略管理、经营模式、内部管控及核心竞争力培养方面也存在诸多问题。 本文结合时代集团的发展历程和特点,以动态战略管理理论为依据,利用PEST分析法和SWOT分析法,剖析企业的战略本质和经营环境。并提出了时代集团在当前行业形势下新的战略定位以及集团实施多元化发展战略的迫切性和具体的实施措施。实践证明,多元化的发展战略使时代集团在激烈的市场竞争中形成新的财富增长点,获得了持续的价值创造能力。
[Abstract]:Under the policy of vigorously promoting the process of urbanization, the real estate industry in China has been continuing a strong momentum of development in recent years, and the real estate market still has a lot of room for development. However, due to excessive investment and speculative demand into the market, resulting in rapid rise in house prices. The regulation and control of many national macro-policies not only curb the rising trend of house prices, but also promote great changes in the pattern of the real estate industry. The strength of large real estate enterprises has increased sharply, but many small and medium-sized real estate enterprises are facing management dilemmas. How to change the management strategy to make enterprises gain competitive advantage has become the focus of attention. Since its establishment, Gansu Times Group has developed rapidly in the local real estate market with the help of a good external economic environment. Affected by the characteristics of high investment, high risk and long cycle in the real estate industry, the group is facing great financial risks. There are also many problems in strategic management, business model, internal control and the cultivation of core competitiveness. Based on the theory of dynamic strategic management and the analysis of PEST and SWOT, this paper analyzes the strategic essence and operating environment of the enterprise according to the development process and characteristics of the Times Group. It also puts forward the new strategic position of Times Group under the current industry situation and the urgency and concrete implementation measures of the group to implement the diversified development strategy. The practice has proved that the diversified development strategy makes the Times Group form a new wealth growth point in the fierce market competition and obtain the sustainable value creation ability.


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