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发布时间:2019-07-05 20:26
[Abstract]:In recent years, the Internet economy has been developing rapidly in China, which has promoted the innovation of financial mode. With the catalytic role of third-party payments and social media, the Internet financial industry has begun to emerge. The innovation of the internet financial industry has changed the traditional financing channel, and the "crowdfunding" has just explained this. The "crowdfunding", as the name implies, raised the public's capital. The emergence of "crowdfunding" has provided another way for the past to limit the financing channel to the industry of traditional financial institutions, such as banks and loan companies, that is, to the public. The real estate industry is the large demand of the traditional fund, and the multi-element innovation of the financing channel can't stand idly by. Besides, this new financing model is also associated with the real estate industry terminal-the housing market. But at present, the law of our country, from the point of view of the interests of the general investors, has a strict limitation on the financing behavior of the enterprise and the individual. In addition, the law provides that the lag of social development also makes the "real estate crowdfunding" financing way difficult and has considerable legal risk and uncertainty. In addition, the investment channel of China's investors is narrow, and in recent years, the house prices are high, and the fixed assets are highly praised by the people because of the most competitive ability. Therefore, the real estate crowdfunding ", with the financing development (cooperative building), that is, the property right return type real estate crowdfunding" best attract the public eye, mobilize the investor's enthusiasm. In addition, the crowdfunding mode also makes full use of the new type of Internet financial innovation in the integration of the traditional real estate industry demand. Therefore, through the analysis of the related nature and characteristics of the "real estate crowdfunding" behavior, it is of positive significance to seek to optimize the legal angle to the "property-return real estate crowdfunding" supervision, whether for the development of the new financial mode or the transformation and upgrading of the traditional industry. The related problems of the "property-return real estate crowdfunding" are generally divided into four parts, and the relevant concepts and meanings of the "property-return real estate crowdfunding" are defined. In this paper, through the elaboration of the basic concept of the public, the features of the crowdfunding are clarified, and on the basis of the features and concepts of the crowdfunding, the classification features of the real estate crowdfunding are sorted out by the investors, and then the relevant concepts of the property right-return real estate discussed in this paper are drawn out. During this period, the basic concept and the practical significance of the real estate crowdfunding of the property right are emphasized, and the subject matter discussed in this paper is clear. The main difference between the property right-return real estate and other types of real estate is that the return of the investors is the property right, the value is higher, and the industrial chain is long. The real estate crowdfunding is in our country mode, different models have different product structure and trading way, and the research object _ property right-return real estate crowdfunding is the most common mode of all kinds of real estate crowdfunding and the characteristics of real estate industry. The property right report type real estate crowdfunding is of great significance to all the participating subjects, which provides convenience for the development of the developer, and the demand of the home buyers is met, and the investment channel of the investors is widened. in that second part, through the analysis of the legal relationship involved in the property-return real estate's business model, the specific legal relationship between the property right-return real estate and the main body of the real estate, as well as the requirement for various legal relations under the existing legal framework, To lay the foundation for clarifying the legal problems existing in the property-return-type real estate. There are the legal relation between the sponsors and the crowdfunding platform, and the legal relation between the intermediary contract and the contract law, and the legal relation of the intermediate contract is more typical. The legal relationship between the public financing party and the investor has the legal relationship of the creditor's rights, the relationship between the equity law, the legal relation of the sales and sales contract, and the mixed legal relationship with the existence of a variety of legal relations. Because of the particularity of the subject matter, there is a common legal relationship and a common legal relationship among the investors. The third part is to analyze the possible legal problems of the participating entities in the process of the real estate crowdfunding from the investors, the development subject (i.e. the developer) and the real estate crowdfunding platform. The existing legal problems are not only the problems arising from the property right-return real estate crowdfunding characteristics, but also the common legal problems existing in the crowdfunding. The main legal problems existing in the crowdfunding main body include the distinction between the real estate crowdfunding and the illegal fund-raising, and the violation of the legal provisions of the pre-sale of the commercial house. The problems existing in the crowdfunding platform are related transaction, credit, information, and the self-management capacity is insufficient. As for investors, there are speculation problems in the main problems, such as the realization of the realization of the rights and the contract default and contract fraud. The fourth part, aiming at the problems in the operation of the property right return type real estate market, provides the concrete operational measures for solving the legal problems related to the property right return type real estate market. Based on the experience of foreign experience, the author puts forward corresponding countermeasures from the perspective of the protection of the investors' rights and interests. First of all, the qualification of the real estate development subject is limited, and the legal problems such as contract fraud and other legal problems are defined by the means of refining and splitting the crowdfunding project, building the exit mechanism of the crowdfunding share, and the like. Secondly, in the aspects of the operation and supervision of the crowdfunding platform, the independent construction of the crowdfunding platform, and the third-party hosting of the funds and the establishment of a strict information disclosure and auditing mechanism to improve the management and control ability of the crowdfunding platform. Finally, the access mechanism is set up in the choice of qualified investors and the ability to raise the risk of the investors is improved.


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