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发布时间:2017-12-26 19:47

  本文关键词:2015年中国专利信息年会口译实践报告 出处:《河北大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 同声传译 实践过程 口译原则 案例分析

[Abstract]:The mission of this interpreting practice is to translate the speech delivered by the guest speaker at the 2015 China patent information annual conference. The keynote is "analyzing the non patent implementation entity (NPEs)'s right and wrong: the inspiration of enterprise strategy and competition policy". Combined with the practice, this report describes the interpretation, classifies and analyzes many cases in this practice, and summarizes the experience and lessons. This report includes five parts: task description, process description, pre translation preparation, case analysis and practice summary. The task description explains the source, requirements and content of the task. The process description describes the whole process of the interpretation practice. Before the translation is prepared to collect relevant information, including the background information of the speaker, the topic of speech and related books, the theme of the annual conference on patent information, and the vocabulary of the patent information industry. The case analysis is the core content of this practice report, is the simultaneous recording and sorting the text and analysis. The author reviews the application of information processing in simultaneous interpreting theory, skills, combined with the recording file for case analysis, summarized in the following five aspects: follow the syntactic linearity principle, guiding information reorganization under the principle of paying attention to the core content of information, expression of moderate simplicity under the guidance of the principle of selection of the economy, with the guiding principles of information information equivalence. Error handling and information. In practice, the translator summarizes the interpreting practice process, and summarize the experience of interpreting as a communicative activity, the interpreter not only need to have solid basic skills, but also need to have a strong psychological quality and ability to improvise.


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