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发布时间:2017-12-31 21:00

  本文关键词:顺应理论指导下的2015年《政府工作报告》的翻译实践报告 出处:《西南科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 《政府工作报告》 顺应理论 定量分析 词汇和句法

[Abstract]:The report of the 2015 government work report, the report made by Premier Li Keqiang, belongs to the category of non literary translation. In fact, many domestic and foreign scholars have put forward many theories can be applied to the translation practice. Here, we need to point out that the adaptation theory originated from the theory of biological evolution, it the first is by the International Association of the Secretary General Weisl Len: pragmatic introduction of linguistics. Since then, many experts and professors Chinese began to introduce the theory, and this theory is used in English Chinese translation. The author in the translation text delves into four aspects of the theory, namely context adaptation, language structure of adaptability, dynamic compliance, degree of salience of the adaptation process, and tried to put the theory into the practice of translation. In this report, the author has adopted the method of quantitative analysis. Therefore, in The report was written at the beginning, the author collected a large number of typical examples, draw some icons, and finally reveal the data behind the law. In addition, the author chooses to analyze the source text from the vocabulary and grammar of this two aspects, these two concepts represent the micro and macro analysis. There is no doubt that in the original contains a large number of significant lexical and syntactic features, like Chinese economics terminology, vocabulary, terminology and abbreviations, sentences, active sentences, non subject sentence and less connected words. Finally, the author believes that the practice of true knowledge. Therefore, the author of this paper collected 39 characteristics. And show the use of adaptation theory in translation. The author comprehensively and carefully through the research, the author finds that adaptation theory can be applied to non literary translation, and can be used as the guiding ideology of scientific research. In addition In this paper, the author also realized that readers' response to the translation is the gold standard criteria for translation, which is also in line with the readers' opinions into consideration requirements. Again, when we are dealing with a huge event, we need to put the event subdivided into sections. Therefore, from this point of view, micro and macro analysis plays an indispensable role in the segmentation and analysis of the whole event. The application of interdisciplinary theory, we should have enough courage to make a bold attempt in scientific research, this report is a good example. As long as we emancipate our minds, we can easily get many opportunities.



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