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发布时间:2018-01-03 04:39

  本文关键词:江南水乡古镇导游词中译英翻译实践报告 出处:《湖南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 文本类型理论 江南水乡古镇 导游词翻译

【摘要】:本文是一篇汉译英翻译实践报告,其源语文本选自《江南十大水乡古镇导游词》。此书对十大水乡古镇的自然景观和人文景观进行了详尽且全面的介绍。《江南十大水乡古镇导游词》一书是由旅游教育出版社出版,目前尚未有英文译本。笔者基于本人原创的译文,并在导师指导下撰写了实践报告。根据彼特·纽马克(Peter Newmark)的文本类型理论,《江南十大水乡古镇导游词》中的文本属于呼唤型和信息型文本,故宜采用交际翻译的翻译策略。在此理论和翻译策略指导下,笔者在翻译实践报告中主要从词汇和句法两大层面探讨了翻译实践中的主要难点并提出了相应的解决方式:景点名称的翻译,主要采用音译加注法;历史人物名字的翻译,主要采用增删法;四字格的翻译,主要采用阐释性翻译和省译法;诗行和对偶句的翻译,主要采用阐释性翻译;长难句的翻译,主要采用编译法。本报告通过对笔者的翻译实践进行总结和反思,说明了文本类型理论对于古镇导游词英译的指导作用,为旅游文本的翻译提供了一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on C-E translation. This book introduces the natural and cultural landscape of the ten ancient waterborne towns in the south of the Yangtze River in detail and in an all-round way. "the traveling words of the Ten Ancient Watertownships in the South of the Yangtze River" is a book written by the travel guides of the ten ancient waterborne towns in the south of the Yangtze River. You Education Press. There is no English translation yet. The author based on his original translation, and under the guidance of his tutor, wrote a practical report. According to Peter Newmark's text typology theory. The text in the Ten Ancient Watertowns Guide words in Jiangnan belongs to the calling and informational texts, so it is advisable to adopt communicative translation strategies under the guidance of this theory and translation strategy. In the translation practice report, the author mainly discusses the main difficulties in translation practice from the lexical and syntactic levels and puts forward the corresponding solutions: the transliteration plus note method is mainly used in the translation of scenic spot names; The translation of historical figures' names mainly adopts the method of adding and deleting; The translation of four characters is mainly by means of interpretive translation and provincial translation. The translation of lines and couplets mainly adopts explanatory translation; The translation of long and difficult sentences is mainly done by the method of translation. This report summarizes and reflects on the author's translation practice and illustrates the guiding role of the text type theory in the translation of tourist guides in ancient towns. It provides some reference for the translation of tourist texts.


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