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发布时间:2018-01-07 11:16

  本文关键词:问题式教学法对提升非英语专业学生英语自我效能感的作用研究 出处:《山东师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 问题式教学法 英语自我效能感 非英语专业学生

[Abstract]:Self efficacy refers to the subjective judgment of their own ability to successfully carry out an action, is a concrete manifestation of self-confidence in a task. It is one of important individual affective factors, motivation, and then through the cognition, emotion and selection process to affect a person's achievement. But in the traditional college English classroom on the affective factors of non English majors has been neglected for a long time. Many non English majors have no motivation for learning English, because they have no interest in learning English and even the loss of confidence. Many experts and scholars have conducted some research in order to improve the students' self-efficacy, but few scholars from the Perspective of teaching method to study how to improve non English Major Students' self-efficacy. As a new teaching method of problem teaching method, it takes question as the starting point, the students under the guidance of teachers, through the Writing, independent inquiry etc. in order to improve the ability of problem solving, culture knowledge and cognitive emotional attitude. Actively participate in the problem-based teaching method emphasizes students' emotional attitude, pay close attention to affective factors such as out of their performance in the learning process, learning interest and learning motivation will help to stimulate students to ask out. Question teaching method, many experts and scholars have studied its role in English learning, but less empirical research, from the angle of question teaching method to explore its effect on students' self-efficacy research is more rare. This paper aims to explore the problems of teaching method on non English Majors' English self-efficacy the role, in order to provide suggestions for College English teaching. This study aims to explore the following two questions: (1) what kind of teaching method can effectively improve the non English Majors' self Self-efficacy, problem teaching method and traditional teaching method? (2) whether the question type teaching method on non English Majors' English influence? In order to achieve the purpose of this study, based on self-efficacy theory and other related theories as the theoretical basis, in the first half of 2015 will be the problem teaching method on the College English Teaching in Shandong TV University, experimental research was carried out for 16 weeks. 92 students in two classes were chosen as the research object. The author randomly selected one class as the experimental class with the teaching method, another class adopted the traditional English teaching method for the control class, and according to the students English Self-efficacy level of the students in the experimental class were divided into high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy, as grouped on the basis of research tools. The experiment includes English learning self Efficacyscale and English proficiency test. The author uses the method of quantitative and qualitative research, the experimental data into SPSS17.0 of English self-efficacy scale and English test volume analysis, draw a conclusion of the experiment. The results showed that (1) compared with the traditional English teaching method of problem-based teaching method can more effectively improve non English Majors' English self-efficacy (2) problem based teaching method can effectively improve the students' enthusiasm of learning English and improve their English level. Finally, the author suggests to change the current situation of College English classroom teaching, should be effectively the problem teaching method in College English teaching, in order to help students improve self-efficacy, make greater progress. However, due to some subjective factors and subjective factors, such as the short experimental time, the data processing and analysis is not deep enough, As well as the limitations of the researchers' ability, this study is unavoidable. These work needs further research and exploration.





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