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发布时间:2018-01-13 09:02

  本文关键词:《中国—悠久的帝国》(第14-18章)节选翻译实践报告 出处:《广西师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 信息型文本 游记 忠实 流畅 交际翻译策略

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目选取China—The Long-lived Empire(《中国—悠久的帝国》)研究报告的中间五章进行翻译。内容涵盖:汉人的北京,没有城墙,北京近郊,中国长城,明十三陵山谷。译者希望此文能对后来的学者研究游记文本的翻译提供一定的帮助。译者根据纽马克的翻译理论—文本功能分类说,将所选翻译项目文本划为信息型文本,主要采用纽马克的交际翻译策略来指导本翻译实践。笔者通过查阅相关书籍来了解这些文化背景,多向老师们请教,对译文进行反复琢磨,努力提升翻译质量;另外,笔者还查阅了平行文本,从而更好地理解原文,更好地用目标语言传达原文的思想。在这个过程中,笔者提升了自己在资料搜集和查找方面的能力,进而对报告中专有名词的翻译进行更为详细的讨论。在翻译过程中,运用多种直译,拆译,意译,增译,省译,音译加注法等翻译方法及技巧,力求准确而流畅的向读者传达原文的主要信息。最后,笔者在报告中讨论的翻译方法和技巧是通过此次翻译实践所归纳出的结论。
[Abstract]:This is a project report on translation of selected China The Long-lived (Empire < Chinese - long Empire) Research Report in the middle of the five chapter. Translation covers: Han Beijing, without walls, a suburb of Beijing, China the Great Wall, Ming Dynasty Tombs valley. Hope this article can travel research then the text translation provides some help. Based on Newmark's translation theory, the translator's classification of text functions, the selected text into the translation project information text, mainly adopts Newmark's communicative translation strategy to guide the translation practice. Through reviewing the relevant books to understand the cultural background, many teachers to consult, the repeated pondering, efforts to improve the quality of translation; in addition, the author also reviewed a parallel text, so as to better understand the text, better convey the original ideas in the target language. In this process, the author collects the data and enhance their search ability, and to report the noun secondary translation is discussed in more detail. In the process of translation, the use of a variety of literal translation, free translation, and translation, amplification, omission, and skill transliteration with translation methods, accuracy fluent and convey the main information of the original readers. At last, the author discuss the translation methods and skills in the report is through the translation practice summed up by the conclusion.



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