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发布时间:2018-01-13 13:17

  本文关键词:英汉经济新闻中介入资源对比分析 出处:《山东师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 评价理论 介入资源 经济新闻 对比分析

【摘要】:近年来,由于互联网科技的迅猛发展,越来越多的新闻媒体利用网络媒体向公众发布新闻,使人们能更加迅速、更加便捷的对最新发生的新闻事件加以了解。而经济新闻报道在人们的日常生活中起重要作用,它涵盖了最新的经济政策,商业事件以及人类社会的自然经济现象。经济新闻中常常暗含着作者对所述事件或者命题的主观评价和立场。因此,经济新闻语篇中的语言中隐含着人际意义,折射出语篇中不同观念和立场之间的互动和协商过程。评价理论是由系统功能语言学发展起来的。这篇论文我们主要运用由Martin和他的同事提出来的评价理论,评价理论是一种用来分析人际意义的系统的理论框架。评价理论为研究者提供了如何表达观点、定立态度和协调人际关系的方法。评价系统分为三个子系统:态度、介入和极差。另外,每个子系统又可以分为其它子系统。由于很少有研究者从介入资源的角度对经济新闻话语进行分析,所以这篇论文主要研究其中能够描写和解释新闻话语话语策略的介入资源。为了弄清楚作者是怎样运用介入资源表达自己的价值立场和人际意义,本论文从http://www.people.com.cn/和http://www.nytimes.com/分别下载十五篇汉语经济新闻和十五篇英语经济新闻,运用定性和定量分析相结合的分析方法,运用语言学统计软件UAM CorpusTool分析对比英汉经济新闻的介入资源分布情况,发现他们的相同点以及不同点。通过分析,本论文发现英汉经济新闻语篇中介入资源的分布情况有以下几点相似之处:1.两种语言的经济新闻语篇中,对话扩展(Dialogic Expansion)的频率都高于对话收缩(Dialogic Contraction)的频率;2.在对话压缩中,否认资源(Disclaim)的频率高于声明资源(Proclaim)的频率;3.在声明资源中,使用频率最高的都是支持资源(Endorse);4.在归属资源中,使用频率最高的是承认资源(acknowledge)。同时,英汉经济新闻语篇中介入资源的分布情况也有不同之处:1.在对话压缩中(Dialogic Contraction),否认资源(disclaim)和它的子范畴否定资源(deny)在英语语篇中用的比较多,而汉语中用的比较多的是反对(counter)资源。2.在扩展语篇中,接纳资源在英语语篇中用的比较多,而承认资源在汉语语篇中用的比较多.本论文通过分析介入资源在英汉经济新闻中的分布情况和出现频率试图解释新闻作者运用什么样的介入方式来表达自己的态度立场。作者进一步说明新闻写作者运用对话扩展大于对话压缩的介入方式能够使新闻报道更客观、更让人信服,并且对英汉经济新闻中介入资源的分布和出现的频率情况进行对比和分析。作者希望通过介入资源的分析加深人们对经济新闻中介入资源的理解并使评价理论能够运用到更多的领域。
[Abstract]:In recent years, due to the rapid development of Internet technology, the network news media more and more media announced the news to the public, so that people can more quickly and more convenient to the latest news to know. But economic news reports play an important role in people's daily life, it covers most of the new economic policy business events and human society, the natural economy phenomenon. Economic news often implies the author subjective evaluation of the event or proposition and position. Therefore, in economic news discourse in the language with the interpersonal meaning, reflects the interaction and negotiation process between different concepts and positions in discourse. Evaluation theory by systemic functional linguistics developed in this paper. We mainly use the proposed by Martin and his colleagues evaluation theory, evaluation theory is used to analysis of the interpersonal meaning The theoretical framework of the system. The evaluation theory provides how to express views on, method of vertical attitude and interpersonal coordination. The evaluation system is divided into three sub-systems: attitude, engagement and graduation. In addition, each subsystem can be divided into other subsystems. Because there are few researchers to analyze economic news in discourse from the perspective of resource. So this thesis mainly studies which can describe and explain the engagement resources in news discourse discourse strategies. In order to understand the author is how to use the intervention resources expression their position value and interpersonal meaning, this paper from the http://www.people.com.cn/ and http://www.nytimes.com/ were downloaded in fifteen Chinese economic news and fifteen English Economic News. The analysis method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, using statistical software UAM CorpusTool linguistic contrastive analysis of English and Chinese economy Involved in the resources distribution of news, found their similarities and differences. Through the analysis, this paper found that the distribution of Chinese and English economic news discourse engagement resources are as follows: 1. the similarities of the two languages in economic news discourse, dialogue extension (Dialogic Expansion) are higher than the frequency of contraction (Dialogic Contraction) frequency; 2. in the dialogue compression, deny resources (Disclaim) the frequency is higher than the statement (Proclaim) frequency resources; 3. in the statement of resources, are most frequently used to support resources (Endorse); 4. in the ownership of resources, is the highest frequency of use that resource (acknowledge). At the same time and the distribution of Chinese and English economic news discourse engagement resources are also different: 1. in the dialogue (Dialogic Contraction), compression deny resources (disclaim) and its sub category of negative resources (deny) in English Discourse With more and more used in Chinese is opposed to (counter).2. resources in the extended discourse, acceptance of resources in English discourse with more, and that resources in the Chinese texts are more used. Through the analysis of the distribution of engagement resources in English and Chinese economic news the author tries to explain the news and frequency of use and what kind of interventions to express their attitude. The author further explains the news writers using dialogue spread is larger than the intervention can make the dialogue compression news reports more objective, more convincing, and to compare and analyze the distribution of engagement resources in English and Chinese economic news and the frequency of the situation. The author hopes to deepen people's understanding of economic news intermediary into resources and can be applied to more areas of the evaluation theory through the analysis of engagement resources.





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