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发布时间:2018-01-15 12:22

  本文关键词:河北省—博兰登堡州投资合作推介暨对接洽谈会口译实践报告 出处:《河北师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 会议口译 译前准备 翻译策略 突发状况

【摘要】:本文是一篇口译实践的翻译报告。主要内容是作者为河北省—博兰登堡州投资合作推介暨对接洽谈会担任口译员的翻译任务。随着全球化的不断加深,各国之间经济、政治、文化、人员的交流越来越频繁。国际化的会议,各个领域、各种组织的会议和论坛不断增多。由于中国的综合实力不断增强,国际地位不断提高,此类会议越来越多地在中国举办。河北省—博兰登堡州投资合作推介暨对接洽谈会就是其中之一。而此类会议对口译人员,尤其是会议口译人员提出了很大的挑战。此次德国方面来访的代表团中,包含机械制造、工程技术,以及能源、环保仪器等领域的30多位企业家代表。除此之外,还有10家咨询服务和投资促进机构。作者的主要任务,是为德国博兰登堡州经济发展局的首席执行官斯特芬·卡姆华德特博士(Dr.Steffen Kammradt)担任口译员,帮助他同中方的各个企业参会代表进行交流和咨询。其中,主要为德方和中方石家庄某飞机制造厂之间的洽谈和咨询,以及德方和中方中捷产业园之间的洽谈进行了翻译。本实践报告,通过对作者参加该会议口译的实践进行记录和研究,反映和总结了口译中存在的问题和需要改进的地方。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation report on interpretation practice. The main content of this paper is that the author serves as an interpreter's translation task for Hebei Province-Bolandenberg State Investment Cooperation and docking Fair. With the deepening of globalization. Economic, political, cultural and personnel exchanges between countries are becoming more and more frequent. International conferences, conferences, meetings and forums of various organizations are increasing. International status is rising and more and more of these conferences are being held in China. One of them is the Hebei Province-Bolandenberg Investment Cooperation and docking Fair. Such meetings are for interpreters. In particular, conference interpreters pose a great challenge. The German delegation included machinery, engineering, and energy. In addition, there are 10 advisory services and investment promotion agencies. The author's main task. He was an interpreter for Dr. Steffen Kammradt, Chief Executive Officer of the Economic Development Board of the state of Boltenberg, Germany. To help him exchange and consult with representatives of Chinese enterprises, mainly for the negotiation and consultation between Germany and a certain aircraft factory in Shijiazhuang, China. As well as the negotiations between Germany and the Chinese side of the Sino-Czech Industrial Park have been translated. This practice report, through the author's participation in the interpretation of the meeting to record and study the practice. It reflects and summarizes the problems existing in interpreting and the areas that need to be improved.


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2 黄维真;;巴赫:布兰登堡协奏曲“F大调第一协奏曲”[J];南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计版);1981年03期

3 曾居一;;冥想系列(六首)[J];山花;2014年03期

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