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发布时间:2018-01-15 18:18

  本文关键词:《国家建设、身份认同和公民教育:跨文化视角》(第七章)翻译实践报告 出处:《新疆师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 多元文化 目的论三原则 词的翻译技巧

[Abstract]:The report is based on chapter 7th of the English version of "State-building, identity and Civic Education: an Intercultural Perspective", which has been independently translated. Based on this translation practice, the selected translation practice book is edited by Dr. Joseph Zoedo, published by Springer Press, one of the world's largest technology publishers, in 12 chapters. It consists of two parts. The first part describes the identity and the trend and problems of civic education. The second part describes the six national cultural identity case studies. In addition, this book is informative text, rich in content, analysis of identity, rights and various cultural phenomena in society. The 7th chapters selected in this translation practice are the part of the second part of the original book on the Japanese citizenship education and identity issues. The book has strict logic, rigorous discussion and detailed data. The whole report is divided into six chapters, describing in detail the origin of the translation of the book (including background and meaning, translation mission description (including the author's brief introduction, text content and characteristics). Translation difficulties, the whole translation process (including pre-translation preparation, translation tools, translation and proofreading, translation theory and skills used in writing reports. Chapter 4th is the theoretical support part, which mainly analyzes Vermeer's Skopos theory and the three principles of Skopos theory (Skopos principle). In addition, eight translation methods and techniques, namely, free translation, literal translation, back translation, extension of word meaning, subtraction and enhancement, are selected. Chapter 5th is the key chapter of this report. This chapter is divided into two parts: macro control of words translation and guidance of specific translation techniques. This paper adopts the form of full-text keyword search, after refining the key words, selects the corresponding principle to operate. This translation practice is guided by Skopos theory and revolves around the three principles elaborated by it. Translation of the original text. In the translation of multicultural and long difficult sentences and other translation problems. Inspired by Skopos, this paper makes a concrete comparison and analysis of the difficulties. In the whole process of translation. Multiculturalism related words in this chapter is a difficulty, it is like a domino trigger, solve this problem, other problems will be solved. This paper focuses on the analysis of lexical translation problems. Through the combination of theory and practice, the difficulties encountered in translation are solved creatively.


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