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发布时间:2018-01-15 18:40

  本文关键词:任务型教学法在初中英语阅读教学中的应用研究 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 任务型教学法 英语阅读教学 初中

[Abstract]:As the main input of language learning, reading plays an important role in English learning. English reading teaching in junior high school is a very important part of English teaching. The main purpose of reading class is to cultivate and improve students' reading comprehension ability. The latest English Curriculum Standard for Full-time compulsory Education in China clearly advocates task-based teaching and task-based reading teaching. Many experts and scholars have carried out various studies in many different aspects. They believe that this kind of teaching not only helps to improve learners' reading ability. It also helps learners to master the reading methods and strategies more effectively. This study is guided by the second language acquisition theory and constructivism theory. Taking two classes in Grade 9 of 7th Middle School in Yanji as the research object, this paper studies the application of task-based teaching method in junior high school English reading teaching for three months, according to the teaching principles of task-based teaching method. The teaching steps, the design of specific teaching tasks, the experimental class task-based teaching. Control class throwing traditional teaching. Then through comparative analysis of the two classes before and after the experimental reading results and questionnaire survey and observation of the results of interviews. The study proves the feasibility and effectiveness of Task-based approach in junior high school English reading teaching, and aims to prove that TBLT can stimulate junior high school students' interest in English reading. The study found that task-based teaching method can improve students' reading interest and cooperative learning. Students have not only developed good reading habits. Various reading strategies and reading skills have also been developed. The most important thing is to improve the students' reading ability, and it is proved that task-based teaching method is an effective teaching mode which can be used in junior high school English reading class.


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4 夏纪梅!广州510275,孔宪qG!香港沙田;“难题教学法”与“任务教学法”的理论依据及其模式比较[J];外语界;1998年04期

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