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发布时间:2018-01-16 08:31

  本文关键词:元认知策略在高中英语词汇教学中的应用 出处:《山东师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高中英语词汇学习 元认知 元认知策略 策略训练

【摘要】:词汇教学是英语教学的重要组成部分。过去的三十多年间,关于英语词汇学习方法及策略的研究有很多,这些研究对英语的教与学有很大促进作用。而元认知概念的提出为英语教学的研究提供了一个新的视角。元认知策略在高中英语词汇教学中的运用,有利于提高学生的学习计划性、自我监控能力和自我评价能力,使学生主动和能动地学习,保证了学生在学习中的主体地位。国内外的一些研究表明,元认知和元认知策略对提高英语学习者的词汇学习水平,促进他们自主学习能力的发展有着积极的作用。 论文引言部分对国内目前的英语教学现状进行了分析,介绍了本研究的意义,研究的目的和论文的基本框架。本论文分为五章:第一章梳理了国内外学习策略研究的概况并介绍了元认知策略与词汇相结合的研究现状;第二章阐述了元认知与元认知策略的有关术语的界定,并介绍了第二语言学习策略训练的三种主要模式,这些都为实验的开展奠定了理论基础;第三章对高二学生进行元认知策略问卷调查,主要介绍了调查的目的、对象、工具、过程,最后对调查数据进行了分析与讨论;第四章针对调查中出现的问题,对高二的学生进行元认知策略实验,并在实验前后进行词汇测试,通过测试成绩的前后对比,验证在高中英语词汇教学中进行元认知培训的可行性和必要性。该章还介绍了实验的工具与方法,实验的步骤,实验的内容,并且在实验结束时对实验班的学生进行了访谈。第五章提供了实验的结果并对其进行了讨论,最后对在教学过程中合理运用词汇元认知策略提出建议。 本研究的主要目的是:1.通过问卷调查和数据分析,了解高中生的词汇元认知策略使用情况及存在的问题。2.元认知策略的使用是否与他们的英语词汇成绩成正比。3.对在高中英语词汇教学过程中合理地运用元认知策略提出建议。 笔者对临清市一所普通高中高二年级的两个平行班的123名学生进行了关于高中生在英语词汇学习中使用元认知策略情况的问卷调查,问卷中20项元认知策略总体得分的平均数不到3分,说明学生不能在英语词汇学习中广泛地使用元认知策略,其中监控策略的分数最低,说明高中生不能有效地监控自己的学习,不能利用适合自己的学习策略有效地学习,也不能及时、适时地调整自己的学习策略。选择性注意的分数相对较高,说明学生能明确哪些是自己需要重点学习的词汇,哪些不是。然后在分析问卷数据的基础上对两个班进行了10个周的元认知策略训练,实验后对部分学生进行了访谈。访谈结果说明,实验后学生词汇学习成绩提升,英语学习的兴趣提高。实验前后对这两个班进行了词汇测试,测试结果表明,元认知策略训练能够改善学生的词汇学习现状,提高他们的词汇学习成绩。最后,本论文针对实验过程中出现的具体问题,提出建设性意见。高中英语教师应加强对元认知及元认知策略的重视,有效地利用课堂教学提高学生元认知策略运用意识,即词汇学习计划意识、自我监控能力及自我评价能力,使他们主动、能动地学习,成为自主学习的高效管理者。
[Abstract]:Vocabulary teaching is an important part of English teaching. Over the past more than 30 years, there are a lot of research on English vocabulary learning strategies and methods, the research on English teaching and learning have a great role in promoting. And put forward the concept of metacognition research for English teaching provides a new perspective on the use of metacognitive strategies in. English Vocabulary Teaching in senior high school, is conducive to improve the students' ability of learning plan, self-monitoring ability and self evaluation, so that students take the initiative and active learning, to ensure the dominant position of the students in the learning process. Some researches shows that metacognitive and metacognitive strategies to improve English learners' vocabulary learning which plays a positive role in promoting the development of their autonomous learning ability.
The introduction part has carried on the analysis to the present situation of English Teaching in China, introduces the significance of this study, the basic framework of the research purpose and the paper. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter reviews the general situation of research on the learning strategies of domestic and foreign research status and introduces the metacognitive strategies and vocabulary combination; second the chapter describes the definition of meta cognitive terms and metacognitive strategies, and introduces three main modes of second language learning strategy training, which lays a theoretical foundation for the experiment; the third chapter on senior high school students metacognitive strategy questionnaire, mainly introduces the purpose of the investigation object, tool. At the end of the process, the survey data are analyzed and discussed; the fourth chapter in view of the problems arising in the investigation, the metacognitive strategies experiment of senior high school students, and vocabulary test before and after the experiment, through the test Comparing the results before and after the verification of the feasibility and necessity of metacognitive training in English Vocabulary Teaching in senior high school. This chapter also introduces the tools and methods of experiment, experimental procedures, experimental content, and at the end of the experiment the experimental class students were interviewed. The fifth chapter provides the experimental results and the it is discussed, and finally puts forward suggestions on the rational use of metacognitive strategies in the teaching process.
The main purpose of this study is: 1. through questionnaire survey and data analysis, understand the use of metacognitive strategies in senior high school students use the situation and problems of.2. metacognitive strategies and English vocabulary achievement is proportional to their.3. in the process of English Vocabulary Teaching in senior high school and reasonable use of metacognitive strategies are proposed.
123 students in the city of Linqing in a senior middle school grade two classes are conducted a questionnaire survey about the use of metacognitive strategies in English vocabulary learning in senior high school students, the average number of metacognitive strategy questionnaire of 20 overall score less than 3 points, indicating that students can not be widely used metacognitive strategies in English vocabulary learning strategies, which control the lowest score, that cannot effectively monitor their learning of high school students, can not use their own learning strategies for effective learning, can not be timely, timely adjust their own learning strategies. Selective attention scores relatively high, indicating that students can make clear what is the focus of learning vocabulary what you need, not 10. Zhou Deyuan was then the two cognitive strategy training classes based on the analysis of the questionnaire data on the part of the students interviewed The interviews show that students vocabulary learning achievement promotion after the experiment, interest in learning English. Before and after the experiment of the two classes of vocabulary test. The test results show that metacognitive strategy training can improve students' vocabulary learning, improve their vocabulary learning achievement. Finally, this thesis focuses on the specific problems of the experimental process the constructive suggestions are put forward. High school English teachers should strengthen of metacognition and metacognitive strategy emphasis, the effective use of classroom teaching and improving students' metacognitive strategy awareness, namely vocabulary learning plan consciousness, ability of self-monitoring ability and self-evaluation, make them active, active learning, autonomous learning has become an efficient management the.



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1 唐翠兰;协作学习在英语词汇教学中的应用研究[D];华中师范大学;2012年




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