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发布时间:2018-01-16 09:24

  本文关键词:“VR技术”下的广东省中高职商务英语课程衔接研究 出处:《教育教学论坛》2016年48期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 中高职衔接 课程设置 VR技术

[Abstract]:The problem of middle and high vocational curriculum convergence is a new problem arising from the development of vocational education. It is particularly urgent to construct a perfect linking system of vocational education curriculum. This paper discusses the problem of the convergence of professional courses in middle and higher vocational education, aiming at the situation of the convergence of curriculum system in the process of middle and higher vocational education convergence. In the "VR technology" learning environment, combined with teaching practice, this paper explores the solutions to the problem of business English majors in vocational and vocational schools. Taking the construction of business English course cohesion as the starting point to solve the core problem of cohesion in middle and higher vocational colleges, the author puts into practice a multi-directional cohesion system to enhance the students' comprehensive vocational English ability.
【作者单位】: 广东技术师范学院;
【正文快照】: 一、VR科学技术时代2015年3月5日李克强总理在政府工作报告中首次提出“互联网+”行动计划,“互联网+”新常态开始广泛运用到各个领域。[1]“互联网+”教育应运而生,它打破了传统模式下的教育体制,利用微课、慕课、翻转课堂、手机移动学习等信息新技术,使教学形式由线下的课堂


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