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发布时间:2018-01-16 18:01

  本文关键词:关联翻译理论视角下赵译《三字经》中文化缺省现象研究 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 《英韵三字经》 文化缺省 关联翻译理论

[Abstract]:As one of the classics of Chinese traditional culture, the translation of three characters is of great significance to the spread of Chinese culture. In the process of translation, translators need to deal with a large number of cultural defaults and lexical gaps. It is these phenomena that embody the unique charm of Chinese culture and language. However, the existence of these phenomena is one of the difficulties for translators in the process of translation. Professor Zhao Yanchun's translation provides readers with a glimpse of Chinese culture. History and geographical elements of the original appearance, is a successful masterpiece. The original author in the process of writing. There is no need to provide all possible information to the target readers. Cultural default occurs when the author omits some of the relevant cultural background information shared by the readers. Due to the differences of cultural background knowledge between the original author and the target language reader, the obvious cultural background information for the source language reader constitutes the cultural default for the target language reader. Cultural default is the problem of the translator dealing with the communication of the author's information intention and the reader's reasoning ability. Relevance theory advocates the "ostensive-inferential" communicative mode. In pursuit of optimal relevance, Guttt Guttuses relevance Theory to study translation activities and put forward relevance Translation Theory, which regards translation as a dynamic, double-level ostensive-inferential communicative activity. The translator plays a dual role in the whole activity. The translator's responsibility is to make sure that the author's intention is in line with the expectations of the target language reader, and the best relevance is the translator's goal. Relevance translation theory, especially the best relevance principle, is of great significance to the study of cultural default translation. Based on Gutt's relevance translation theory, this paper analyzes the translation of cultural default in the translation of the Triple Chronicles, in order to find out the main factors that affect the translator's translation process. This study explores the nature of translation and how the translator makes the best relevance, thus proving that the theory of relevance translation is persuasive enough for the study of cultural default. Cultural background knowledge plays an important role. Relevance translation theory can be used as a guide in translation studies. Translators should first have enough cross-cultural knowledge and competence of language and culture. It is necessary to make correct contextual assumptions about the author's information intention and communicative intention so as to form his own communicative intention and then reconstruct the original cultural default according to the cognitive context of the target language reader. In this way, the correct translation can be achieved. In the Chronicles of English rhyme, Zhao Yanchun, while faithful to the characteristic information intention of the original rhyme and the three characters section as much as possible, adopts various translation methods at the same time. In order to convey the author's communicative intention, the author tries to ensure that the target language reader can obtain the best correlation with the original reader without making unnecessary inferential efforts at the same time. The analogical translation method is novel and unique, which conveys the meaning behind the lexical form, which has made an important contribution to the Chinese classics' going abroad.


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