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发布时间:2018-01-17 20:10

  本文关键词:《加拿大的故事》(节选)英汉翻译的反思性研究报告 出处:《吉林华桥外国语学院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 儿童读物 增译 词义的选择 重组 反思

【摘要】:《加拿大的故事》由克里斯托弗·摩尔(Christopher Moore)、备受爱戴的小说家珍妮特·伦恩(Janet Lunn)和艺术大师艾伦·丹尼尔(Alan Daniel)合作完成。该书是本世纪加拿大青少年最喜爱的十本图书之一。笔者翻译完成了该书前三章,并以其中前两章的翻译实践为基础,对其加以研究和总结,完成本翻译实践研究报告。在本次翻译实践过程中,笔者在全面阅读及充分理解原文的基础上,运用了多种翻译方法和技巧对原文进行翻译,并对译文进行了分析和反复修改,总结了译文的优点和不足,同时也将翻译过程中所遇到的问题进行了总结和分类,即动词、名词、语序的翻译。笔者对这三类问题进行具体剖析并提出解决方法,主要采用了词义的增译、词义的选择和重组分别对所遇到的问题进行处理。通过对本次翻译实践的研究,对所遇问题的归纳和解决,笔者对历史、文化类儿童读物的翻译有了进一步的认识,同时也更加意识到自身在翻译中语言表达的局限性,对一名合格的翻译所需具备的素质也有了更深刻的认识;在日后的学习及工作中,笔者要加强和提高语言表达能力,以及灵活运用翻译技巧的能力,同时要扩大知识面,包括对不同国家历史及文化的了解。笔者希望本次翻译实践能够丰富历史、文化类加拿大儿童读物翻译案例,除此之外,日后在其他译者进行此类翻译过程中遇到与本报告相似的问题时,本研究报告能给予些许借鉴。
[Abstract]:The story of Canada by Christopher Moore Christopher Moore. (Janet Lunn, the beloved novelist) and Alan Danielle, a master artist. This book is one of the ten favorite books for Canadian teenagers in this century. The author has translated the first three chapters of the book. On the basis of the translation practice of the first two chapters, the author studies and summarizes the translation practice, and completes the present translation practice report. In the course of this translation practice, the author reads and fully understands the original text. This paper makes use of various translation methods and techniques to translate the original text, analyzes and revises the translation, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the translation. At the same time, the author summarizes and classifies the problems encountered in the process of translation, that is, the translation of verbs, nouns and word orders. The choice and recombination of the meaning of words respectively deal with the problems encountered. Through the study of the translation practice, the author summarizes and solves the problems encountered. The translation of cultural children's books has gained a deeper understanding of the limitations of their own language expression in translation, and a deeper understanding of the qualities required for a qualified translation; In the future study and work, the author should strengthen and improve the ability of language expression, as well as the ability of flexible application of translation skills, and at the same time, expand the scope of knowledge. The author hopes that this translation practice can enrich the history and culture of Canadian children's books translation cases, in addition to this. The present study can be used for reference when other translators encounter problems similar to this report in the course of such translation in the future.


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