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发布时间:2018-01-19 03:06

  本文关键词: 第二语言习得 阅读策略 元认知策略 认知策略 社会/情感策略 出处:《湖南师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 语言学习策略是学习者在母语或外语学习过程中猜测和记忆单词、语法规则及其他语言项目的含义和用法的方法。第二语言学习策略的研究始于20世纪70年代中期,率先进入这一领域的是美国的Rubin、加拿大的Naiman、Frohich和Tedesco等人。迄今为止,研究的问题主要涉及:1)善学语言者使用的策略;2)善学语言者与不善学者在使用策略上的差异;3)策略的使用与第二语言成绩的关系;4)影响语言策略使用的因素;5)语言策略培训的方式及其成效。阅读是语言学习的主要目的和途径。阅读策略指语言学习者在阅读过程中为提高阅读理解水平所使用的学习策略,例如概括、推理、演绎和集中阅读等等。阅读策略使用的研究对第二语言学习与教学都具有重要的意义。基于目前国内外研究的现状,本论文从心理学、图式理论、二语习得等角度出发对阅读策略进行多维角度的分析,并对高中学生学习关于英语阅读策略使用情况进行了实证研究,其目的是调查以汉语为母语、具有一定基础的英语学习者在英语阅读中策略的具体使用情况,探讨阅读策略的使用对英语阅读水平的影响,了解不同英语水平的学生在阅读策略使用上的差异,从而使学习者意识到通过改进阅读策略的使用来提高英语阅读水平的重要性,同时有助于英语教师意识到两种不同类别学生在策略使用上的差异并有针对性地进行策略的指导。 本文由四章组成: 第一章:二语阅读策略研究文献回顾。首先介绍了本文的研究背景,然后回顾了过去三十年来国内外关于二语阅读策略的研究。最后,提出了本文的构架。 第二章:二语阅读策略的理论分析。首先归纳总结了三种阅读模型然后从心理学、图式理论和克拉申(Krashen)的输入理论等角度对二语阅读策略进行了多角度的分析,为下一章的试验部分奠定了理论基础。最后提出并分析了一些影响阅读策略选择和使用的因素。 第三章:实验和数据分析及讨论。首先指出本研究的目的、研究问题,然后介绍了实验的对象、工具和程序。最后对研究的数据结果进行了详细的分析和讨论。 第四章:如何提高学生的阅读策略。提出可以从学生的学习观念、兴趣和动机、情感因素和阅读培训等方面来提高阅读策略。 结论:在本文的最后,指出了本研究的一些不足之处并对以后的研究提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:Language learning strategies are learners' guess and memorization of words in the process of learning their mother tongue or foreign language. The study of second language learning strategies began in the middle of 1970s and was first entered into this field by Rubin of the United States. Naimanli Frohich of Canada and Tedesco et al. So far, the research mainly concerns the strategies used by those who are good at learning language. 2) the differences between the good language learners and the poor scholars in the use of strategies; 3) the relationship between strategy use and second language achievement; 4) the factors affecting the use of language strategies; 5) the way and effect of language strategy training. Reading is the main purpose and approach of language learning. Reading strategy refers to the learning strategies used by language learners to improve their reading comprehension in the process of reading. For example, generalization, reasoning, deduction and intensive reading, etc. The study of reading strategy use is of great significance to second language learning and teaching. Based on the current research situation at home and abroad, this thesis starts with psychology. From the perspective of schema theory and second language acquisition, this paper makes a multi-dimensional analysis of reading strategies, and makes an empirical study on the use of English reading strategies in senior high school students. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of Chinese as the mother tongue. The use of strategies in English reading by English learners with a certain foundation is discussed in this paper, and the influence of reading strategies on English reading proficiency is discussed. To understand the differences in the use of reading strategies among students of different English proficiency, so as to make learners realize the importance of improving their reading proficiency by improving the use of reading strategies. At the same time, it can help English teachers to realize the differences between the two different types of students in the use of strategies and guide them in a targeted way. This paper consists of four chapters: Chapter I:. This paper first introduces the background of this study, then reviews the domestic and foreign researches on L2 reading strategies in the past 30 years. Finally, the paper proposes the framework of this thesis. Chapter two: theoretical analysis of second language reading strategies. First, three reading models are summarized and then psychology is introduced. From the perspective of schema theory and Krashen's input theory, the second language reading strategy is analyzed from various angles. Finally, some factors affecting the choice and use of reading strategies are proposed and analyzed. Chapter three: experiment and data analysis and discussion. First, the purpose of this study, research problems, and then introduced the object of the experiment. Tools and procedures. Finally, the results of the study are analyzed and discussed in detail. Chapter 4th: how to improve students' reading strategies. It is suggested that reading strategies can be improved from the aspects of students' learning concept, interest and motivation, affective factors and reading training. Conclusion: at the end of this paper, some shortcomings of this study are pointed out and some suggestions for future research are put forward.


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1 李潇;高中生英语阅读策略调查研究[D];中南民族大学;2012年

2 王华;发展高三学生默读策略的研究[D];河北师范大学;2012年

3 单文韬;桂林高中生英语阅读策略调查研究[D];广西师范大学;2013年




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