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发布时间:2018-01-20 00:45

  本文关键词: 高中 冠词 冠词错误 错误分析 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The article is a special word in the English language, including definite, indefinite article and zero article. There is no article in Chinese, in the absence of articles in Chinese and English high school students, English articles are a kind of words difficult to grasp. It is found that the middle school to master poor articles in Teaching practice, often appear misuse of articles phenomenon. Therefore, this paper through text analysis and survey method to grasp the situation investigation and study of English articles of high school students, to explore the error types, and analyze the cause of error. By using student test paper article usage errors in the basis of comparative analysis on article master and misuse case by Excel2003 this paper conducts the investigation and study. To grasp the situation of Changbai Mountain first senior high school grade 60 students. The survey results show that three kinds of articles in the senior high school students. The best usage, Indefinite time zero, the use of the articles grasp the worst. In this article the redundancy of three types of errors of omission and mix, article redundancy error is high school students most prone to errors, mistakes mixed articles, omission of article errors are not easy to make a mistake. Most of the students in the articles in part, accuracy the rate of the indefinite article is higher than that of the definite article, and in the writing part, the correct rate of the definite article is higher than the correct rate of the indefinite article, the effect of using different test forms of articles. The negative transfer of mother tongue to cause error, incomplete application of language rules and false concepts hypothesized, teachers the reason, their reasons and other reasons. This paper focuses on the research of the use of English articles of high school students, to find the causes of the error, and some guidance for teachers teaching articles.



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