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发布时间:2018-01-20 02:17

  本文关键词: 作文评分 相似度检测 停用词 语义信息 聚类 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of natural language technology, more and more colleges and universities use scientific and technological means to improve teaching efficiency in the process of English composition teaching. Ice fruit and other composition automatic scoring system. But the similarity detection algorithms in these systems are lack of depth and pertinence, and the research of similarity detection abroad mainly focuses on the detection of long texts such as papers and codes. The main research content of this paper is to improve and propose a more targeted similarity detection algorithm. In order to achieve this goal, this paper first investigates the characteristics of Chinese college students' English writing. This paper classifies English compositions according to their characteristics, and then studies different types of compositions. For long compositions with a single word size of 60 or more, the author improves the TCUSS clustering algorithm. This paper designs a composition similarity algorithm based on WordNet semantic clustering. For short compositions with less than 60 words, this paper verifies the stability of English stop words. This paper designs a new similarity detection algorithm based on stop word. Then, based on the new algorithm, this paper designs and implements the English composition similarity detection system in the computer-aided marking system. Finally. In this paper, we collect a certain number of corpus samples, and verify the effectiveness of the two algorithms and the overall English composition similarity detection system, and compare the results with the K-means algorithm. The similarity detection algorithm proposed in this paper has strong pertinence for college English writing teaching and practice. After verification, it is found that the algorithm is correct as a whole. The recall rate and F1 measure are superior to the commonly used similarity detection algorithms. Finally, the similarity detection system is designed by asynchronous call, which can meet the needs of large-scale application of computer-aided marking system.


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