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发布时间:2018-01-20 02:22

  本文关键词: 赵元任 音乐性 翻译 《阿丽思漫游奇境记》 出处:《天津工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,跨学科研究在各学术研究领域受到越来越多的重视,本文从跨学科的视角,通过对文学、语言、音乐以及翻译等学科间关系的探讨,对赵元任Alice's Adventures in Wonderland译本的音乐性进行了系统分析和研究。文学与音乐是两种性质不同却又相互影响的艺术,两者之间的不同特征使它们成为各自独立的艺术种类;"艺术类同性"又使二者相互渗透影响,丰富了彼此的艺术表现力。一直以来,关于文学作品的翻译、音乐翻译等方面的研究不断增多,但由于受英汉两种语言的差异以及文学作品体裁、故事情节等因素的限制,针对文学作品翻译音乐性的研究相对较少。英国作家刘易斯·卡洛尔的Alice's Adventures in Wonderland自诞生之日起,在英国乃至全世界都广受孩子们甚至成人们的喜爱,此书文学价值被认为达到了除莎士比亚和《圣经》之外无可比拟的程度。我国著名语言学家、音乐家、翻译家赵元任先生翻译的Alice's Adventures in Winderland部中文全译本《阿丽思漫游奇境记》历经时间的考验,至今仍是不可超越的经典译作,深受读者的喜爱。对于此译作,译界已进行大量研究,但关于《阿丽思漫游奇境记》译本的音乐性却未引起学术界应有的重视。本文从文学语言音乐性的视角出发,通过对文学、语言和音乐三者之间的相互联系,以及对原文和译文的对比研究,从语音韵律美、词汇音调美、句子节奏美等方面进行系统分析,阐述了赵元任是如何在翻译《阿丽思漫游奇境记》的过程中,结合自己在的音乐和语言学方面的造诣,完美再现原文的音乐美,使其译作在内容与情感都与原作表达一致的同时,充满了美妙的乐感,从而产生了一部音乐与翻译完美结合的儿童文学经典译作。探讨赵元任《阿丽思漫游奇境记》译本的音乐性,不仅能为这一经典儿童文学名著提供了一个全新的研究视角,同时,有助于将翻译研究转移到学科间的联系上,以一种跨学科的视角更加全面、深入地进行研究,从而不断丰富翻译理论和实践,促进翻译的不断发展。
[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the interdisciplinary research in various academic fields. This paper discusses the relationship between literature, language, music and translation from an interdisciplinary perspective. Zhao Yuanren Alice's Adventures in. The musicality of Wonderland translation is systematically analyzed and studied. Literature and music are two kinds of arts which are different in nature but affect each other. The different characteristics between the two make them become their own independent art category; "the same sex of art" makes the two permeate each other and enrich each other's artistic expression. All along, the research on translation of literary works and music translation has been increasing. However, due to the differences between English and Chinese, as well as literary genre, storyline and other factors. There has been relatively little research on the musicality of literary translation. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by British writer Lewis Carroll, has been around since its birth. It is widely loved by children and even people all over the world. The literary value of this book is regarded as unparalleled except Shakespeare and the Bible. The complete translation of Alice's Adventures in Winderland, translated by the translator Zhao Yuanren, has stood the test of time. It is still an insurmountable classic translation, which is loved by the readers. A great deal of research has been done in the field of translation. However, the musicality of the translation of Alice's Wonderland has not attracted much attention from the academic circles. This paper, from the perspective of musicality of literary language, analyzes the interrelation among literature, language and music. And the contrastive study of the original text and the translated text, from the aspects of phonetic rhythm beauty, vocabulary tone beauty, sentence rhythm beauty and so on, this paper analyzes how Zhao Yuanren is in the process of translating Alice's Wonderland. In combination with his musical and linguistic attainments, he perfectly reproduces the musical beauty of the original text so that the translated works are consistent with the original works in terms of content and emotion, and at the same time, they are filled with a wonderful sense of music. Thus, a classic translation of children's literature, which combines music with translation, is produced, and the musicality of the translation of Zhao Yuanren's "Alice's Wonderland" is discussed. It not only provides a new research perspective for this classic children's literature masterpiece, but also helps to transfer the translation study to the inter-disciplinary relationship and to be more comprehensive in an interdisciplinary perspective. In order to enrich translation theory and practice and promote the development of translation.


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1 潘卫民;毛荣贵;;语言的音韵美及其翻译再现[J];中南大学学报(社会科学版);2006年01期

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