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发布时间:2018-01-20 04:39

  本文关键词: 茶文化 大学英语 英语文化 运用 出处:《福建茶叶》2017年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In the choice of English cultural knowledge, students are mainly focused on areas where they do not know or understand much, so as to maximize their interest in the classroom. The transfer of knowledge about tea culture has also been attached importance to by the author. Students in the understanding of English culture mainly through movies, news reports and other channels to take. Therefore, it is of practical value to explore the application of tea culture in college English culture teaching. The application models include: effective choice of tea culture elements, reasonable combination of teaching theory knowledge, targeted tea culture practice. Highlight classroom teaching atmosphere construction and other four aspects.
【作者单位】: 荆楚理工学院外国语学院;
【正文快照】: 大学英语教学承担着英语文化教学任务,对此英语教学大多在知识点讲解中来贯穿英语文化知识。这样一来,就可能使本应引起学生重视的知识点,因文化信息的传递而被弱化。另外,一部分教师也习惯于突出英语文化信息的传递,这样又可能出现教学节奏的停滞。因此,这里需要重新认识大学


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