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发布时间:2018-01-20 16:07

  本文关键词: 东北地区英语学习者 陈述句 语调短语 凸显分布 声调模式 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本研究通过声学实验的研究方法,以Halliday“语调三重系统”以及自主音段切分理论为依据,探索了东北地区英语学习者在朗读陈述句时的语调特征。研究问题如下:(1)东北英语学习者的调群切分特征。(2)东北英语学习者的凸显分布特征。(3)东北英语学习者朗读陈述句时的声调模式特征。本研究中所使用的语料均来自于AESOP-CASS(Asian English Speech Corpus Project-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)语料库,并在Pierrehumbert提出的自主音段切分理论(AM)的基础上,结合ToBI和IViE两大标注系统的特点形成一套新的标注体系,对受试者的陈述句语料进行标注,并将提取的相关数据进行归一化处理,以保证研究数据的准确性。研究结果如下:调群切分的特征:(1)东北学习者将停顿作为调群切分最重要的边界指征,而且在朗读过程中,常出现较多的中间短语。(2)东北学习者的调群较短,甚至倾向于将句首第一个词,或单个介词作为一个单独的调群。凸显分布的特征:(1)无论宽窄焦点句,东北学习者的重音凸显单词比本族语者多,有时会将介词或冠词处理为凸显。(2)当焦点词在句首时,焦点词的音节数量对重音分布影响较小,焦点词在句中和句尾时,双音节词的波动差异要大于三音节词。(3)当焦点词在句尾时,东北学习者有时会忽视焦点词的单词重音,盲目追求句末降调。(4)当句子是宽焦点时,本族语者遵循“调核约束”理论,将句末实意项处理为凸显;而东北学习者无论焦点有无标记,句末实义词常被凸显。(5)本族语者与学习者在凸显分布上存在显著性差异,并且凸显分布都与实词有较高的相关性,与语法词有较低的相关性,但学习者的凸显分布与语法词的相关性明显高于本族语者。调型特征:(1)在处理非句末调核时,本族语者多采用L*H的方式来实现凸显,东北学习者则选择H*L的方式;当处理句末调核时,本族语者可能选用L*或H*L,而学习者仍选用H*L的方式。(2)对于中间短语的边界调,东北学习者倾向%H-L%的组合,本族语者则倾向使用%L-H%使中间短语更加凸显。(3)对于整个句子的边界调,虽然本族语者和东北学习者都用降调来结束陈述句,但本族语者的下降趋势更加明显,东北学习者可能出现前后边界几乎持平的现象。由于研究数据以及作者能力的局限性,本研究仍需进一步的验证,此外,在今后的研究中,短文或对话语料也应作为研究对象以求更加详细地研究语言学习者的语调特征。
[Abstract]:Through the study on the method of acoustic experiment, using Halliday "three tone system and autosegment segmentation theory, explored the Northeast English learners in reading intonation features sentence statement. The research questions are as follows: (1) tonality characteristic of northeast English learners. (2) highlight the Northeast English learners' distribution characteristics. (3) when the tone pattern feature sentence statement of northeast English learners to read aloud. The use of the materials in this research are from the AESOP-CASS (Asian English Speech Corpus Project-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) corpus, autosegment segmentation theory and put forward by Pierrehumbert (AM) on the basis of according to the characteristics of ToBI and IViE two mark system to form a new set of annotation system on the subjects of declarative sentence corpus annotation, and the extracted data were normalized, in order to guarantee. The accuracy of the data. The results are as follows: adjust the characteristics of group division: (1) the learners will pause tonality as the most important boundary indications, but also in the process of reading, often appear more intermediate phrase. (2) the learner's tone group is relatively short, and even tend to sentence first, a word, or a single preposition as a separate group. The distribution characteristics of adjustable highlights: (1) whether the width of the topic sentence, northeast of learners from native language more prominent than words, sometimes prepositions or articles as prominent. (2) when the focus word in the sentence, the number of the smaller the focus word syllable stress distribution, the focus word in word and sentence at the end, the fluctuation difference of two syllable words than three syllable words. (3) when the focus word in the sentence, the Northeast learners sometimes ignore the focus word word stress, the blind pursuit of the falling tone at the end of the sentence (4). When the sentence is wide focus. Language follow the "nucleus constraint" theory, the real meaning to the end of the sentence and the Northeast learners both highlighted; focus has no mark at the end of the sentence, words are often highlighted. (5) native speakers and learners have significant differences in the distribution of prominent, and highlight distribution are high correlation with content words, had lower correlation with grammatical words, but the correlation highlights learner distribution and grammatical words was significantly higher than that of native speakers. Tone features: (1) in the treatment of non nuclear transfer at the end of the sentence, native speakers use L*H way to achieve prominence, northeast learners choose the way of H*L when dealing with the end of the sentence; the nucleus, native speakers may use L* or H*L, and the learner still choose H*L. (2) for intermediate phrase boundary tone, learning combination of%H-L% tend to the northeast, native speakers tend to use%L-H% more prominent. The intermediate phrase (3) for the whole sentence The boundary tone, although native speakers and learners in Northeast China to end a statement with a falling tone, but the trend is more obvious in native speakers, learners may appear before and after the boundary almost flat phenomenon. Due to the limitation of the research data and the ability of the author, the study still needs further verification, in addition, in the future research in the essay or dialogue corpus should be regarded as the research object in order to intonation features in more detail of language learners.



中国期刊全文数据库 前4条

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