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发布时间:2018-01-21 17:40

  本文关键词: 维修服务手册 文本特色 目的论 翻译方法 出处:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a translation report. The project text is taken from the Kawasaki KX250F Motorcycle maintenance Service Manual. More and more foreign industrial products come into our lives. A large number of translated maintenance manuals provide an irreplaceable key role for our normal use and maintenance of these industrial products. The text features of the project text are analyzed in this paper. < Kawasaki KX250F Motorcycle. Maintenance Services Manual as a scientific text. In particular, the function of informative text is to convey information to readers accurately and objectively. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the project-based text from three aspects: vocabulary, sentence and text. At the same time, it combines functional translation theory. The Skopos theory, in particular, chooses the corresponding translation methods to carry out translation practice. Through analysis, the purpose of translation is to let the target readers obtain accurate information and the Skopos determines the means. According to the purpose of translation and the characteristics of the text, we can flexibly choose the translation method to translate the manual without sticking to the form of the original text. Through translation practice, translators sum up relevant experiences and lessons, and better understand the guiding role of Skopos in translation practice. At the same time, the translator combines theory and practice effectively in order to obtain a better translation.


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