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发布时间:2018-01-22 11:51

  本文关键词: 特殊教育中等职业学校 词汇笔记本 词汇深加工 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The situation of this study is a secondary vocational school of special education in Yunnan Province, the situation of students has a certain particularity. It is very different from other students of the same age in other schools. The students' learning performance shows that the long-term memorization of vocabulary is one of the main difficulties in learning English. It is inspired by some information about vocabulary learning. Such as the main dimensions of lexical knowledge, vocabulary learning strategies, different deep processing patterns of vocabulary, vocabulary notebook, the author believes that the use of notebooks to further the processing of new words. Perhaps a good learning strategy choice. The author puts forward the following research question: 1) is it suitable for the students of the secondary vocational school of special education to carry on the vocabulary deep processing through the notebook? (2) which way of deep processing of vocabulary is more effective in long-term memorization of English new words than that of vocabulary explanation in class? Among the different items in the deep processing of vocabulary, which items are more effective for long-term memorization? This paper uses vocabulary notebook, vocabulary quiz, interviews and questionnaires as research tools and designs a three-stage action study. The first stage focuses on the deep processing of lexical receptive knowledge. The second stage focuses on the deep processing of lexical productive knowledge; The third stage aims to understand the effects of combination of receptive and productive deep processing, based on the data obtained from the action study. The author makes an analysis and discussion. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn: for improving the long-term memorization of vocabulary, deep processing through notebook is a more suitable learning method for students with poor foundation; The effect of deep processing through notebook is better than that through classroom explanation, especially when the deep processing of receptive knowledge and the deep processing of productive knowledge are combined together; Of the nine deep processing projects in the experiment, the students considered that five to six of them were most effective for their long-term memorization. These items were part of speech, syllable division, affix, etymology and evolution, and phrases. Because of the limitations of the research conditions and the special research situation, the conclusion still needs more verification, but it still enlightens many research directions. For example, to learn about students' self-regulated vocabulary learning behavior after class, and so on.


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