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发布时间:2018-01-24 15:49

  本文关键词: 《汤姆叔叔的孩子们》 《泰勒牧师》 美国黑人文学 前景化理论 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This project is an English-Chinese translation project for Black American writer Richard Wright's novella collection, Uncle Tom's Children. The project is headed by Professor Bo Zhenjie, a mentor for this article. The author is responsible for the project as a member of the project team. Translation of Chapter 4-6. This project requires faithful original work. The author is based on the translation practice of Pastor Taylor in Chapter 5. Writing translation practice reports. "Reverend Taylor", based on a true story, is the only part of the novella that ends with a black victory. It tells the story of the Great Depression. Hungry and cold black miners marched to force the white authorities to distribute relief food. Reverend Taylor was kidnapped and beaten severely by whites. Finally, leading the masses to the streets to protest and win victory. Based on the project requirements and the problems encountered in the translation process, the author uses the theory of foregrounding as the guide for translation. Summing up the solution. Because the literary works pay more attention to the formal expression under the premise of faithfully transmitting the original content, the author pays more attention to the formal communication in the process of translation. For example, the black dialect is only the way the characters in the text speak, and does not have the special directional meaning and the foreground effect, therefore. The author uses standard Chinese to translate black English .2.Dialogical translation and vulgar translation should conform to the characters' identity characteristics and dialogue situations, and choose emotional color. The translation of a paragraph consisting of a sentence beginning with "she/he" should be done on the basis of preserving the features of the original text and by omitting it. Such techniques as sentence structure adjustment can achieve cohesion and coherence. 4. Rhetorical translation should focus on dissimilation strategy and retain and convey the original culture and the effect of foregrounding.


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