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发布时间:2018-01-26 03:44

  本文关键词: 高职英语 翻译教学 对策探究 问卷调查 出处:《职教论坛》2017年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The present situation of English translation teaching in higher vocational colleges is investigated by questionnaire, the problems in teaching are found and analyzed, and the countermeasures are put forward. This is not only an inevitable requirement for better carrying out the target of English translation teaching in higher vocational colleges, but also a practical demand for training qualified foreign trade translators in order to meet the needs of post skills, with the aid of the teaching medium in the information age. Combined with contemporary pedagogy and psychology, measures and teaching models which accord with the internalization law of students'"knowledge and skill" are adopted. In accordance with the target orientation and skill demand of foreign trade English translation teaching in higher vocational colleges, through the integration of specialized teaching materials, diversified teaching methods, practical training posts and innovative assessment, better teaching results can be achieved.
【作者单位】: 江西外语外贸职业学院;
【基金】:江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目“高职院校英语专业翻译教学探讨”(编号:YY1529),主持人:龚璇 国家社科基金中华学术外译项目“中国传统伦理思想史”(编号:16WZX006),主持人:魏啸飞
【正文快照】: 高职院校英语的翻译教学具有区别于普通本科大学英语翻译教学的不同特质,它是一门面向岗位职业特色,兼具文化性、沟通性的跨际语言转化和实践技能养成的过程。高职外贸英语翻译属于翻译分类中的语际翻译,特指在高职院校实施、通过高职院校外贸英语专职、兼职翻译教师的教和高


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