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发布时间:2018-01-26 12:38

  本文关键词: 陪同口译 实践报告 长影旧址博物馆 翻译策略 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当今世界,随着世界多极化和经济全球化的不断发展,英语已不再是英美人所特有的一种语言。世界大多数英语使用者来自世界不同的语言的背景,这已是当今的一种潮流。在这样一种大背景下,研究非英语母语者之间在通过英语口译进行文化交流时易出现的问题并提出一些相应对策是有一定实践意义的。2016年10月本文作者应朋友张希之邀为来自加纳的留学生Bright Mensah作陪同翻译,参观了长影旧址博物馆。由于陪同口译的固有特点,尽管译者之前做了很多准备工作,整个口译过程中出现了诸多问题。译者将现场为时四个小时的口译实况录音,转写成文本,以此为语料撰写本篇口译实践报告。本文从不同角度,不同层次,通过举例分析,对本次口译任务进行了系统全面的分析、梳理,旨在找出问题,寻求解决问题的方法和策略,以便对以后的口译学习与实践活动有一定的借鉴意义。报告除导论与结论外,首先对游客,导游和任务进行介绍,重点分析这些方面对于本次陪同口译的影响。然后是是任务过程介绍,其中包括口译和陪同口译的定义,以及陪同口译的特点,提前与游客,导游交流,预测任务和术语准备,以及自我评估。然后,笔者将此次陪同口译过程中出现的问题进行归类分析。最后提出对应翻译策略。本研究报告希望对以后的类似翻译实践活动有一定的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:In today's world, with the continuous development of world multipolarization and economic globalization, English is no longer a unique language of Anglo-Americans. Most English speakers in the world come from the background of different languages in the world. This has become a trend of the day. Against such a background. It is of certain practical significance to study the problems in cultural communication among non-native speakers through English interpretation and to put forward some corresponding countermeasures. In October 2016, the author came to our friend Zhang Xi at the invitation of his friend Zhang Xi. Overseas students from Ghana: Bright. Mensah as an escort translator. Visited the museum of the old site of the long Shadow. Due to the inherent characteristics of the accompanying interpreters, although the translator has done a lot of preparatory work before. There are many problems in the whole process of interpreting. The translator transcribes the four-hour live recording of the interpretation into the text, which is used as the corpus to write this interpretation practice report. This paper is from different angles and different levels. Through the analysis of examples, the author makes a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the interpretation task in order to find out the problems and to find out the methods and strategies to solve the problems. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the report first introduces tourists, tour guides and tasks. Focus on the impact of these aspects on this accompanying interpretation. Then there is a mission process introduction, including interpretation and accompanying interpretation definition, as well as the characteristics of accompanying interpretation, early communication with tourists, tour guides. Predict tasks and terminology preparation, as well as self-assessment. Then. The author classifies the problems in the course of accompanying interpretation and puts forward corresponding translation strategies. The present study hopes to provide some reference for similar translation activities in the future.


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1 张吉良;论译员的口译准备工作[J];中国科技翻译;2003年03期




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