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发布时间:2018-01-27 00:16

  本文关键词: 中西茶文化 差异 英语教学 思路 出处:《福建茶叶》2016年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Language itself is a product of the development of culture, but also the carrier of the spread of culture, it belongs to a part of culture, different countries, different forms of national languages. This is because the process of national development, will form its own characteristics of the cultural system, as a part of culture, language will inevitably show different cultural characteristics. For a nation. Language is their most important feature, from the language system of a nation, can understand the historical and cultural background of the nation, but also can learn the living habits of the people of this nation. So tea culture as a cultural system of many countries in the world, from the microscopic point of view, its characteristics can be described as colorful, from these characteristics of the tea culture. We appreciate the language characteristics, communication styles and living habits of different countries. This paper analyzes the ideas of English teaching from the perspective of tea culture differences.
【作者单位】: 承德医学院;
【正文快照】: 英国的历史、地理、风土民情、人们的牛.活惯、行为规范等等都能 够从英语学4中领会到、感受到。而茶文化可以说是英国文化的代表,也可以说是西方茶文化的代表,它集中体现了英国人在生活态度、惯以 及社交等各个方面的特点,这对于英语语言体系也柯着非常深远的影 响。因此在现


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