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发布时间:2018-01-31 04:54

  本文关键词: 假分裂句 信息理论 焦点动词 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文基于信息论及功能语法理论,以BNC语料库中带do动词的假分裂句为主要研究对象,通过统计学和数据描述,分别研究了假分裂句在各个领域的分布和发展,主要句法特点,以及焦点信息部分焦点动词的使用和分类情况。本文主要研究工具是SPSS和Microsoft Excel,用来定量分析两种分裂句的异同点,以及在不同领域中的分布。同时采取语料库中的样本定性分析了假分裂句的特点和焦点动词的表达和应用,得出以下结论:首先,从历时发展角度看,假分裂句的使用从二十世纪逐渐兴起,并且发展趋势直线上升。共时上看,what分裂句和all分裂句在不同语域中的使用具有显著性差异。其中what分裂句的使用多出现在口语,而all分裂句的使用多出现在书面语中。其次,研究假分裂句的句法结构发现,主语I和we在what分裂句中主位部分出现频率最高,而all分裂句中主语you使用的频率最高。并且两种分裂句主位部分都存在着很多相同的固定词组表达。最后,对于假分裂句焦点信息部分动词的使用,all分裂的焦点动词使用相比于what分裂句中更加固定一些,但两者都存在共同的高频焦点动词,如get一词。通过对假分裂句进行系统全面的解释,能为我们对了解假分裂句生成的原因和学习假分裂句的使用提供很多帮助。
[Abstract]:Based on the theory of information and functional grammar, this paper focuses on the pseudo-splitting sentences with do verbs in the BNC corpus, which are described by statistics and data. This paper studies the distribution and development of pseudo-splitting sentences in various fields and their main syntactic characteristics. The main research tools are SPSS and Microsoft Excel, which are used to analyze the similarities and differences between the two kinds of split sentences. And the distribution in different fields. At the same time, the characteristics of pseudo-splitting sentences and the expression and application of focus verbs are analyzed qualitatively by using samples in corpus. The following conclusions are drawn: first, from the perspective of diachronic development. Since 20th century, the use of pseudo-splitting sentences has gradually risen, and the trend of development has been rising in a straight line. There are significant differences in the use of what split sentence and all split sentence in different registers, in which the use of what split sentence is mostly in spoken language. Secondly, the syntactic structure of pseudo-splitting sentence is found that the subject I and we appear most frequently in the thematic part of the what split sentence. The subject you is the most frequently used in the all split sentence, and there are many same fixed expressions in the thematic part of the two split sentences. Finally, the use of the pseudo-split sentence focus information part of the verb. The focus verb of all splitting is more fixed than that of what split sentence, but both of them have common high-frequency focus verb, such as get. It can provide a lot of help for us to understand the causes of the formation of pseudo-splitting sentences and to learn the use of pseudo-splitting sentences.


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