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发布时间:2018-02-01 02:04

  本文关键词: 饮食 文化负载词 目的论 出处:《外交学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of Sino-foreign exchanges, food culture has become an essential part of foreign exchanges, whether it is business negotiations, diplomatic exchanges, tourism and entertainment, or academic discussions, training visits and other activities. The importance of food culture and table manners is becoming more and more prominent. Chinese food culture not only contains a variety of food types, cooking methods, traditional customs, but also reflects a profound philosophical thinking, historical allusions. The geographical features are intertwined with the various aspects of Chinese spiritual culture. Therefore, they are accurate and effective. It is very important to have a proper strategy for interpreting food culture. The writer is fortunate to participate in the Essay Principal training course held by the Ministry of Agriculture's Foreign Exchange Center and serve as a two-week classroom interpreter. Interpretation covers local agricultural development techniques, China's national conditions, and Chinese culture. In translation practice, the author finds that the interpretation of diet culture is extremely challenging. The endless expression of Chinese characteristics requires flexible and diverse strategies and means to solve the problem of making up for the unequal cultural phenomenon and cultural background differences. These special words are not limited to the names of dishes, cooking methods, taste, but also a combination of Chinese philosophy, historical allusions, health and medicine, regional customs and other broad and profound connotations. Interpreters need not only a broad and profound cultural background, but also a systematic and detailed understanding of the audience's cultural background and knowledge reserves. The speaker's impromptu oral interpretation and explanation pose a great challenge to translation. However, the study found that the translation of food culture in the past focused on translation, and mainly analyzed the classification and translation methods of Chinese dish names. The level of analysis is one-sided, single, lack of practical testing or empirical research, and there is little food concept outside the name of food, cultural connotations. The existing interpretation practice is also very limited, most of them focus on the simulation practice of vegetable name, and lack the material research of actual combat interpretation, the research angle, the research heat. On the other hand, Skopos theory is the focus theory supporting the translation of culture-loaded words. The functionalist Skopos theory can help the interpreters to solve the problems of cultural inequality and cultural background differences. Based on this, the author discusses and analyzes the typical problems in the classroom interpreting practice, and compares the different interpretation versions of the same phenomenon. Based on the Skopos theory of translation, this paper puts forward the translation strategies of culture-loaded words, namely literal translation plus interpretation, free translation plus interpretation, saving translation, homogeneous heterogeneity, information compression and integration. It is hoped that the academic circles will pay more attention to the study of food culture interpretation and provide some ideas and suggestions for future discussion.


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