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发布时间:2018-02-02 15:33

  本文关键词: 句法负迁移 维吾尔族高中双语生 新疆 英语学习 出处:《伊犁师范学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:语言迁移一直是二语习得和语言教学领域中的一个重要话题。语言迁移是指学习者在语言学习过程中母语或已有的语言知识对目标语或新的语言产生的影响,一般可分为两种类型:正迁移和负迁移。随着世界经济的发展,地区与国家之间的语言接触也越来越频繁。越来越多的国家和地区开始认识少数民族的语言。所有这些变化都为第三语言习得(TLA)研究提供了一个良好的基础。在第三语言习得中,越来越多的人开始从事语言迁移的研究。新疆是一个多民族的地区,可以说是典型的语言地区。目前新疆维吾尔族人口最多。新疆的双语教育主要指汉语和其他民族的语言教学。新疆双语学生是指在汉语和维吾尔语教学中受教育的学生维吾尔高中双语学生学会了他们的母语(L1)之后学习汉语(L2)和英语(L3)。所以他们的英语学习过程就是第三语言习得。由于他们的语言环境、文化特点等原因,英语学习中会出现使用英语的困难。本项研究基于对比分析理论、错误理论及迁移分析模式,以新疆伊宁市第八中学双语班50名维吾尔族学生为研究对象,采用写作测试、翻译测试对维吾尔族高中双语生英语习得过程中出现的句法负迁移现象进行了研究,主要分析了维吾尔族双语生的母语(维语)句法在目标语言(英语)习得过程中产生的错误影响和作用。研究问题为:(1)学生容易犯错的句法结构有哪些?(2)这些句法结构是否存在母语的负迁移现象?本研究首先通过写作测试确定学生容易犯错的句法结构,即(1)介词+名词在句子中作状语使用,(2)系动词和助动词Be的使用,(3)very/very much/always,together等副词在句中的位置,(4)关系从句的使用,(5)there be句型的使用。其次,再以这五个句法结构为主,通过翻译测试更进一步检测这些句法结构是否会产生母语的负迁移现象。通过分析测试结果发现,维吾尔族高中双语生在英语(L3)习得过程确实受到母语(L1)句法结构负迁移的影响,并且突出表现在以上五种句法结构上。最后,针对以上研究结果,作者提出了如何降低母语负迁移现象产生的对策,以期对提高维吾尔族高中双语生英语学习效果起到积极作用。
[Abstract]:Language transfer has always been an important topic in the field of second language acquisition and language teaching. Language transfer refers to the influence of native language or existing language knowledge on the target language or new language in the process of language learning. Generally, it can be divided into two types: positive migration and negative migration, with the development of the world economy. Regional and national language contacts are also becoming more frequent. More and more countries and regions are beginning to understand the languages of ethnic minorities. All these changes are for the acquisition of third languages (TLAs). The study provides a good basis for third language acquisition. More and more people are beginning to study language transfer. Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region. It can be said to be a typical language area. At present, Xinjiang has the largest Uygur population. The bilingual education in Xinjiang mainly refers to the language teaching of Chinese and other nationalities. The bilingual students in Xinjiang refer to being educated in the teaching of Chinese and Uygur language. Ten percent of the students in Uygur High School have learned their mother tongue (. So their English learning process is a third language acquisition. Because of their language environment. This study is based on comparative analysis theory, error theory and transfer analysis model. A writing test was conducted on 50 Uygur students in bilingual class of No. 8th Middle School in Yining, Xinjiang. Translation tests were conducted to study the negative syntactic transfer phenomenon in the process of English acquisition of Uygur senior high school bilingual students. This paper mainly analyzes the wrong influence and function of Uygur bilingual students' native language (Uygur) syntax in target language (English) acquisition. What are the error-prone syntactic structures of Uygur bilingual students? (2) are there any negative transfer phenomena in these syntactic structures? The present study first determines the students' error-prone syntactic structures through writing tests, I. e) the use of prepositional nouns as adverbials in sentences and the use of the linked verbs and auxiliary verbs be. The use of relative clauses, such as the position of adverbs such as very / very much- / alwaystogether in the sentence. Second, the use of these five syntactic structures. The translation test is used to further examine whether these syntactic structures will produce negative transfer of mother tongue. Uygur senior high school bilingual students' acquisition of English L3) is really influenced by the negative transfer of native language L1) syntactic structure, which is highlighted in the above five syntactic structures. Finally, in view of the above research results. The author puts forward some countermeasures to reduce the phenomenon of negative transfer of mother tongue in order to improve the English learning effect of Uygur senior high school bilingual students.


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