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发布时间:2018-02-04 10:38

  本文关键词: 精致阅读 广泛阅读 连带性效应 写作词汇 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本研究旨在探究不同阅读模式(本文指精致阅读与广泛阅读)对高年级高中生话题写作中的词汇使用可能产生的影响。主要围绕以下三个问题:(1)精致阅读对高年级高中生话题写作中的词汇使用有何影响?(2)广泛阅读对高年级高中生话题写作中的词汇使用有何影响?(3)这两种阅读方式对不同水平学生的话题写作中的词汇使用影响有何不同?本研究进行了一项微型教学实验及后续访谈。邀请了 16名不同水平的高年级高中生(4名高水平学生、8名中等水平学生以及4名低水平学生)参与研究,并对他们进行英语测试以保证三种水平学生之间存在明显差异,即保证实验对象高度有效。之后要求他们进行有关WeChat的话题写作作为前测。此后,将三组不同水平学生再平均分为精致阅读组与广泛阅读组,分别在相同给定时间内进行两种不同的阅读模式。具体而言,精致阅读组需在一小时内阅读两篇精选文章5遍,而广泛阅读组则需在一小时内争取读完10篇文章。此后,所有学生需围绕与WeChat有关话题进行写作,此话题不仅与阅读材料息息相关,而且与前测中的写作话题相似。实验后,对学生进行后续访谈以收集反馈信息。为使实验结果量化和可视化,笔者邀请了两位经验丰富的英语教师,在参考评分依据的基础上从词意、多样性、变化性以及复杂度四个方面对学生的写作词汇使用情况进行打分。通过比较学生前后测中词汇使用情况得分,并基于SPSS对实验数据的分析,主要发现如下:(1)精致阅读对高年级高中生学生写作词汇使用有积极效应,尤其表现在词意方面;(2)广泛阅读对高年级高中生学生写作词汇使用有积极效应,尤其表现在多样性、变化性以及复杂度方面;(3)不论是在精致阅读还是广泛阅读中,中等水平学生在写作词汇使用上取得的进步最大。而且,对所有水平的学生而言,在改善写作词汇使用方面,广泛阅读的效果似乎比精致阅读更佳。因此,这两种阅读模式都对写作词汇使用产生积极效应,只是侧重点不同。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to explore the possible effects of different reading patterns (this paper refers to refined reading and extensive reading) on vocabulary use in topic writing of senior high school students. How does refined reading affect the use of vocabulary in topic writing of senior high school students? (2) how does extensive reading affect the use of vocabulary in topic writing of senior high school students? (3) what is the difference between these two reading styles on vocabulary use in topic writing of students at different levels? In this study, a micro-teaching experiment was conducted and a follow-up interview was conducted. Sixteen senior high school students with different levels were invited to participate in the study. They were tested in English to ensure that there were significant differences between the three levels, that is, to ensure that the subjects were highly effective, and then they were asked to do the topic writing about WeChat as a pretest. The three groups of students at different levels were divided into two groups: refined reading group and extensive reading group. The refined reading group was required to read two selected articles five times in an hour, while the extensive reading group was required to finish 10 articles within an hour. All students are required to write on a topic related to WeChat, which is not only closely related to the reading material, but also similar to the writing topic in the pretest. In order to quantify and visualize the experimental results, the author invited two experienced English teachers to use the word meaning and diversity on the basis of the reference score. By comparing the scores of students' vocabulary use before and after the test, and based on the analysis of experimental data based on SPSS. The main findings are as follows: (1) refined reading has a positive effect on the writing vocabulary use of senior high school students, especially in the aspect of lexical meaning; (2) extensive reading has a positive effect on the writing vocabulary use of senior high school students, especially in the aspects of diversity, variability and complexity; (3) in both refined reading and extensive reading, middle level students have made the greatest progress in the use of writing vocabulary, and for students of all levels, in improving the use of writing vocabulary. The effect of extensive reading seems to be better than that of refined reading. Therefore, both of these two reading patterns have a positive effect on the use of writing vocabulary, with different emphasis.


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