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发布时间:2018-02-04 16:42

  本文关键词: 高职高专学生 英语学习动机 性别 生源地 成绩 出处:《闽南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:通过近几年课堂教学、测验考核以及与学生的沟通交流中,笔者发现学生英语成绩难以提高,大多是因为缺乏学习动机导致的。无论是学习动机研究中有待解决的问题,还是有待实践的方法,都需要大量的调查论证来确保其可行性,确保改进的方向。因此,笔者欲针对高职高专学生英语学习动机对学习成绩的影响,进行相关调查研究,也希望通过有效的动机调控,不仅提高学生的成绩,更能改善他们的学习方式并加强应用能力。在学者们的现有研究基础上,本研究采用Dornyei(1994)的二语学习动机问卷量表,对福建某两所高职院校9个大一非英语专业班级的350名学生进行了调查问卷。研究的目的主要是为了了解:(1)不同性别学生英语学习动机的差异;(2)不同生源地学生英语学习动机的差异;(3)不同成绩学生学习动机的差异及其与英语成绩的关系。将调查数据回收并输入SPSS 21.0统计软件后,对数据进行了分析,研究结果显示:1、根据不同性别学生英语学习动机的差异进行T检验,在工具与融合型动机与内部动机这2个因素的显著性测试结果中,P值分别为0.006以及0.021,均低于0.05,差异高度显著,而外部动机的P值高于0.05,未达到显著差异的水平。由此可见,不同性别学生英语学习动机存在显著差异,女生的工具与融合型动机、内部动机均明显高于男生,外部动机则没有显著差异。2、根据学生生源地与英语学习动机差异的单因素统计检验结果来看,外部动机、工具与融合型动机的显著性均大于0.05,由此可判断出学生生源地与这两个动机类型的差异不显著,然而内部动机差异的显著性为0.035,小于均值0.05,因此不同生源地学生的内部学习动机有显著差异。即学生的生源地仅与其内部动机间有较大的关联性,总体上并未对学生的学习动机产生太大影响。3、根据高、中、低分段学生动机强度差异进行方差分析,在外部动机、工具与融合型动机、内部动机3个因素的显著性测试结果中,P值分别为0.010、0.001和0.000均低于0.05,达到了显著的水平。由此可见英语成绩不同的学生,学习动机存在显著差异,低分段学生的学习动机明显低于中、高分段学生。另一方面,根据高、中、低分段学生三种动机类型间的差异进行方差分析,显著性均为0.000,小于0.05,说明三者之间存在显著差异;但成绩大于120分学生的显著性为0.08,大于0.05,说明高分段学生三种动机类型没有显著差异。此外,中、高分段学生的内部动机乃三种类型中均值最高,说明英语成绩高的学生在学习中往往表现出更高的内部动机。最后,根据学习动机与英语成绩间的相关检验可知,英语成绩与学生外部动机、工具与融合型动机、内部动机间的SIG值分别为0.003、0.000和0.000,小于0.05,因此学生的英语成绩与三种动机类型都有显著相关性。另外,三种动机与英语成绩对应的相关系数值分别为0.17、0.21和0.311,因此高职高专学生英语学习动机与学习成绩呈正相关,即学习动机越高,成绩越好,且内部动机与英语成绩间相关性最大,其次是工具与融合型动机,外部动机相对较弱。该研究结果为笔者日后的教学方法提供了有益的启示,一是尽可能提高高职高专中英语基础薄弱学生的内部动机,二是通过合理的方式培养高职高专学生英语学习的兴趣,以寓教于乐的方式带动课堂学习氛围,进一步激发他们英语学习的自信心和积极性。
[Abstract]:In recent years through classroom teaching, evaluation and test the communication with students, I find it difficult to improve the students' English proficiency, mostly because of lack of motivation caused. Whether it is a problem to be solved in the study on the learning motivation, still need to practice the method, require investigation demonstration to ensure its feasibility, ensure the improvement the direction. Therefore, the desire for Higher Vocational Students' English learning motivation on learning achievement effect of related research, also hope that through effective motivational regulation, not only improve student achievement, can improve their learning ability and strengthen the application. In the foundation of existing research scholars, this study used Dornyei (1994) of the two language learning motivation questionnaire, 350 students in Fujian two vocational colleges 9 freshman non English major classes of questionnaire research. The main purpose is to understand: (1) the difference of different gender students English learning motivation; (2) differences in English learning motivation of the students from different; (3) the difference of different grades of students' learning motivation and its relationship with English achievement. The survey data collected and input SPSS 21 statistical software, the data is analysis results showed that: 1, T test was performed according to the students of different gender differences in English learning motivation, the significant test results of tool and integrative motivation and internal motivation of these 2 factors, the P values were 0.006 and 0.021, were lower than 0.05, the difference was highly significant, and the P value is higher than the external motivation 0.05, did not reach significant level. Thus, there are significant differences in different gender students English learning motivation, girls' tools and integrative motivation, intrinsic motivation was significantly higher than boys, the external motivation is no significant differences in.2 According to the students, students with English learning motivation between the single factor statistical test results, external motivation, tools and significant integrativemotivation are greater than 0.05, which can determine the difference of students with these two types of motivation is not significant, but significant differences in internal motivation is 0.035, less than the average of 0.05 therefore, there is significant difference between students from different internal learning motivation. The students only their internal motivation have greater relevance, generally not on students' learning motivation have much effect on.3, according to the high, low sectional differences of students motivation intensity analysis of variance in external motivation, tools with integrative motivation, significant test results of internal motivation of 3 factors, the P values were 0.010,0.001 and 0 were lower than 0.05, reached a significant level. Thus different students learn English. There are significant differences in learning motivation, lowers students' learning motivation was significantly lower than that in the higher students. On the other hand, according to the high, variance analysis of the differences in inferior students three types of motivation among the significant was 0, less than 0.05, there are significant differences between the three; but the score was significantly greater than of the 120 students was 0.08, higher than 0.05, indicating there is no significant difference between the higher students three types of motivation. In addition, the mean, the higher students internal motivation is the highest in three types, that the English learning of the students in high grades tend to exhibit higher internal motivation. Finally, according to the study test motivation and English achievement, English achievement and student tools and external motivation, integrative motivation, intrinsic motivation between the values of SIG were 0.003,0.000 and 0, less than 0.05, so the students' English achievement and motivation three The type had significant correlation. In addition, the correlation coefficient of three kinds of motivation and English performance corresponding to 0.17,0.21 and 0.311 respectively, so the higher vocational students' English learning motivation and learning achievement is positively related to the learning motivation, the higher the better, and the internal motivation and English achievement correlation between the maximum, followed by tools and integration motivation, external motivation is relatively weak. The research results provide beneficial enlightenment for the teaching method of the day after, one is as far as possible to improve the higher vocational English foundation weak students' internal motivation, two is through the reasonable way to cultivate students' interest in learning English in Higher Vocational colleges, entertaining way to classroom learning the atmosphere, further stimulate their enthusiasm and confidence in learning English.



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