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发布时间:2018-02-07 17:15

  本文关键词: 英语骨干教师 专业发展 影响因素 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:After years of teaching practice, English teachers have accumulated rich teaching experience, teaching ability is gradually improved. They can better control and management of class and obtain the good teaching effect. They have become the backbone English teachers and students, parents and school leaders alike. Plays a vital role in sustainable backbone teachers of English the professional development of the sustainable development of contemporary education. In order to follow the pace of the times, and constantly improve the teachers shall enjoy the rights and obligations of the development of their own teaching ability. The relevant departments China education has gradually realized the importance of the professional development of teachers of English in.2011 English teaching standards that lifelong learning and professional development of English teachers is the key to realize English teaching reform. This research through the influence factors of middle school English teachers in China proved to professional development. To improve the professional development of individual teachers, optimize teacher training content, enrich and expand the research in related fields at home and abroad. In order to obtain relevant data, in this study, qualitative research and quantitative research. By questionnaire and interview as the main research tool. The 83 middle school English teachers from Hebei province do factors questionnaire the influence of the professional development of teachers, and 6 of them made a semi-structured interview. Based on the above data, the paper aims to explore the following three questions: (1) what are the external factors affecting the middle school backbone teacher professional development? (2) what are the internal factors affecting the middle school backbone teacher professional development? (3) in the view of English teachers, what factors can be adjusted to further promote the professional development of English teachers? Can be carried out through what way? What need help? The results show that: (1) There are two main external influence middle school backbone teacher professional development factors, are key figures or events and teaching and research atmosphere. In addition, although the teacher education and training, the school system and the interpersonal relationship influence the professional development of teachers is relatively weak, but their role in promoting the development of teachers can not be ignored. (2) effect the internal factors of middle school English teachers are teachers' innovation ability, teaching reflection and self-learning ability. But it is undeniable that teachers' occupation belongingness and compressive ability also has an indispensable role to improve teachers' well-being and self-efficacy. (3) in the view of English teachers, the education of today pays great attention to student achievement evaluation system, the conflict between the traditional mode of education and the new curriculum standard, different historical and cultural imbalance of economic development will restrict the teachers' professional development Part of the backbone English teachers show. To promote the professional development of teachers and put forward some suggestions, first of all, the relevant departments of education and quality education in our country should speed up the pace of reform. Secondly, the curriculum reform should take into account the actual situation of different regions. Once again, the Ministry of education should strengthen the attention of county, town and village level in the reform, and in poor areas the economic and educational development, adequate educational resources and financial help for them, try to narrow the gap between the city and the rural area. Based on the above findings, the backbone teachers sustainable professional development suggestions are as follows: (1) the school leaders should strive to create a good atmosphere for teaching and Research (backbone teachers in middle school; 2) teacher training departments to provide more training opportunities for teachers, teachers to enhance their own to provide effective protection; (3) reasonable evaluation system of Teacher Education It is the premise for teachers' professional development. (4) teachers should cultivate their correct sense of belonging and persist in teaching reflection. (5) teachers should have self learning ability and enhance lifelong development consciousness.



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