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发布时间:2018-02-08 11:35

  本文关键词: 高中生 教师中介 英语自主学习能力 行动研究 出处:《淮北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of senior high school English education, autonomous learning has been popularized and the demand for improving students' autonomous learning ability has become increasingly prominent. It is emphasized that teachers play an indispensable role in the process of constructing their autonomous knowledge system as the guide of students' learning, in order to improve their learning style and cultivate their autonomous learning ability. According to the theory of intermediary function, teachers play an indispensable role in the process of constructing their autonomous knowledge system. In recent years, some scholars have paid attention to the correlation between teacher intermediary and the development of students' English autonomous learning ability. However, the subjects of this kind of research mainly focus on the college students, but the research on the high school students is less, and the related reports of teachers' action research are less. Therefore, as for the high school students, Whether teacher intermediary can effectively improve students' English autonomous learning ability through action research has become an urgent problem to be solved in English teaching in senior high schools at present. This paper takes action research to explore the above problems. Research is different from quantitative or qualitative research in the strict sense, It is a kind of research method for teachers to find problems from their own teaching and solve problems through behavior intervention. It is suitable for small scale investigation and conclusion can be directly used to improve teaching practice. The researchers conducted a 12-week action study on 42 senior high school students in a middle school in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. Before and after the action study, the students' English autonomous learning ability and teachers' mediating effect were tested before and after the questionnaire. SPSS19.0 was used to compare and analyze the data to obtain quantitative data. For some difficult data to be observed, they were supplemented by interviews after the action study. In addition, students' learning log is used as qualitative data. By comparing the students' practical evaluation of teachers' intermediary before and after the study, as well as the differences in the dimensions of self-learning psychology, ability and behavior. This action study draws the following conclusions: 1. At present, the English autonomous learning ability of senior high school students is relatively low, especially in learning consciousness, planning, implementation and monitoring. Evaluation and reflection as well as learning behavior are five aspects of low level. At present, high school students generally hold high expectation to teacher intermediary. However, the implementation effect of teacher intermediary is far from the expectation of students. Through the action research of teacher intermediary, the students' autonomous learning psychology has not changed significantly, but their autonomous learning ability and behavior have been obviously improved. And the overall trend is in line with the expectation that teachers' intermediary has improved the students' English autonomous learning level. Although this action study has generally met the expectations of the study, there are still some deficiencies in this action study. In the future, such studies should focus on expanding the sample size and prolonging the research cycle, as well as taking gender and age into account, This study explores the effect of teacher mediation on the improvement of high school students' English autonomous learning in the way of action research. It is expected that this result can be used as an intermediary theory and autonomous learning. The enrichment and development of the theory provides multi-level sample data sources, At the same time, this study enriches the exploration of effective ways for teachers to improve students' autonomous learning ability, and can also provide some references for the reform of senior high school English education.


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