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发布时间:2018-02-11 00:12

  本文关键词: 分组竞赛 初中 英语阅读 出处:《重庆师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of grouping competition in junior high school English reading teaching, including the improvement of students' academic performance and the students' performance in class. And the improvement of students' learning ability and the cultivation of competition consciousness. In order to complete the prescribed teaching tasks, teachers aim at the law of psychological development of students of this age. On the one hand, it can play a positive role in the students' test scores, on the other hand, it has a subtle effect on the students' interest in learning. In this way, we can stimulate students' enthusiasm and improve their academic performance. Under the guidance of the teaching method of group competitions, other disciplines have also achieved good results. The teaching effect is often not ideal, because the teacher's own teaching is powerless and does not serve the purpose of teaching students at all, so it leads to the development of the whole teaching in a single way, which is not conducive to teaching. For China, which regards English as a foreign language, Only through effective interaction between teachers and students can we learn English well, use English correctly, and finally achieve better teaching results. Under the background of the current educational reform and development, English subjects need to keep up with the pace. In sync with the times, Therefore, a purposeful change is one of the purposes of the current development of English teaching methods. This is of great theoretical and practical value for the further promotion of the concept of the new curriculum. Literature research on reading teaching methods, The results show that most educational practices focus on "group cooperation". However, there is little research on the practice teaching of "group competition". This study chooses the students in the seventh and eighth grades of Chongqing 68th middle school as the research objects. The two classes were taught English reading for about three and a half months by using the teaching method of group competition. During the experiment, the experimental method, the questionnaire method and the observation method were applied, respectively, from the students' scores. The students' performance in class is studied one by one. In addition, the interview method is used to study all English teachers in 68 middle school. This method is mainly aimed at the difficulties in the implementation of group competition teaching method. Finally, the data are analyzed. The purpose of this study is to prove the feasibility of the application of grouping competition in junior high school English reading teaching from the aspect of objectivity. Finally, the results show that students' English reading scores or test scores are guided by this new teaching method. The implementation of group competition in the reading class of junior high school is improved. The students' interest in learning, self-confidence, enthusiasm and the frequency and quality of answering questions by raising their hands are all improved. The results of interviews with all English teachers show that the factors restricting the implementation of group competition teaching in reading class are put forward. Mainly include: 1) teacher's teaching pressure and heavy teaching content. (2) the teacher's workload is heavy and there is no time to plan this teaching method. 3) the teacher is not familiar with the specific operation of the grouping contest teaching method. 4) students are not familiar with the teacher's new teaching. Conclusion: group competition teaching method can improve students' academic performance. Learning interest, self-confidence, enthusiasm, the number and quality of answering questions in class are all improved to some extent. The factors related to the implementation of grouping competition are the workload of teachers, the time arrangement and the unfamiliarity of teaching methods.


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