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发布时间:2018-02-11 05:08

  本文关键词: 项目学习法 大学英语 标准 影响 学生评价 出处:《中国外语》2017年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:高等教育出版社2012年出版的《新大学英语》系列教材,是国内首部基于项目学习法(PBL)思想编写的大学英语教材,围绕项目的开展,教材提供了丰富的项目活动,包括海报展示、课堂陈述、辩论、班级论坛、课程论文、项目研究等。这些项目活动体现了中国大学英语教学以实际使用为导向、应用为重点的教学思想。重庆大学自2012年开始大规模试用《新大学英语》,推动基于P B L教学思想的大学英语教学改革,受到广泛好评。本文通过对完成课程学习的250余名学生进行问卷调查,了解他们对项目活动的教育价值的理解和评价。根据Kraft 2005年提出的项目学习模式的17条标准,问卷设计了42个题目,分为五大类问题:(1)项目与学习的关系(Learning by doing),(2)基于意义的学习建构(Meaningful learning),(3)学习的广度和深度(Integrated learning),(4)自主性学习(Learner autonomy),(5)教师角色及评估方式(Teachers’roles and performance evaluation)。研究表明:学生对项目活动持积极的态度,项目活动能有效地促进他们的英语学习。研究也发现一些需要关注的有待改进的问题。
[Abstract]:The New College English Series, published by higher Education Press in 2012, is the first college English textbook in China to be compiled on the basis of the idea of Project Learning (PBL). It provides abundant project activities, including poster displays, around the development of the project. Class presentations, debates, class forums, course papers, project studies, etc. These project activities reflect the practical orientation of college English teaching in China. Since 2012, Chongqing University has tried New College English on a large scale to promote the reform of college English teaching based on P B L teaching thought. In this paper, more than 250 students who completed the course study were investigated by questionnaire to understand their understanding and evaluation of the educational value of the project activities. According to the 17 criteria of the project learning model put forward by Kraft in 2005, The questionnaire designed 42 questions, The relationship between programs and learning is divided into five categories: learning by learning by learning / learning (2) the construction of meaningful learning (3) the breadth and depth of learning integrated learning (4) autonomous learning (5) teacher roles and ways of evaluating teacher roles and performance evaluation. Take a positive attitude towards the activities, Project activities can effectively promote their English learning.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学;


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