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发布时间:2018-02-12 00:39

  本文关键词: 英语学困生 成因 分层教学 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:小学是学生英语学习的初始阶段。小学生的英语学习能力在未来的英语学习和发展中起着重要作用。我国大多数地区小学从三年级开始开设英语课程。但在教学过程中,教师发现四年级便有了一定数量的英语学困生。以笔者所在的学校为例,四年级英语学困生占20%左右。这种情况相当不太乐观。本研究以40名四年级学生作为研究对象,通过调查研究分析小学四年级英语学困生的成因,采用“分层教学法”的实验教学,转变学困生的学习状况,证明转化策略的有效性,提高学生的学习成绩及其英语学习兴趣,对提高英语教学效果具有重要意义。本研究采用问卷和访谈相结合的研究方法对小学四年级英语学困生的学习情况进行了调查,旨在分析四年级英语学困生的成因,并采用“分层教学”实验,最终提出教学策略。本研究旨在解决两个研究问题:(1)小学四年级英语学困生的成因是什么?(2)分层教学是否可以有效转化四年级英语学困生?本研究以承德县教育局组织的四年级第一学期期末统考英语测试为前测,从本校四年级共计512名同学中,每班随机抽取5名学困生(即四年级第一学期期末成绩低于及格分60分)共计40名同学作为研究对象,分析小学四年级英语学困生的成因。通过一学期的分层教学实验,以承德县教育局组织的四年级第二学期期末统考英语测试为后测,通过40名学困生的成绩对比及其英语学习兴趣的提高证明了转化策略的有效性。收集到的数据通过SPSS V19.0进行了分析。本研究共分为五章。第一章阐述了本研究的研究背景、研究意义和研究框架。第二章主要描述了英语学困生的定义、国内外关于学困生的研究现状以及英语学困生的特点,并介绍了分层教学理论。第三章陈述了此研究运用的方法,内容包括研究问题、对象、工具、方法、程序。在第四章中,通过统计英语学困生及家长的问卷调查和教师访谈,分析了小学四年级英语学困生的成因,针对原因,研究人员运用分层教学法进行一个学期的教学实验。第五章为结论、局限性和建议,证明分层教学法可以有效改善学困生的英语学习状况,成绩得到了明显提高。同时,建议教师关注小学英语学困生,分析学困生形成的不同原因,制定科学的教学改革方法和策略,满足他们特殊的英语学习需求,提高学困生的学习成绩。
[Abstract]:Primary school is the initial stage of students' English learning. Pupils' English learning ability plays an important role in the future English learning and development. Teachers find that there are a certain number of students with English learning difficulties in grade four. Taking the school where I live for example, 20% students with English learning difficulties in grade four are involved. This situation is not very optimistic. This study takes 40 students of grade four as the subjects of the study. Based on the investigation and analysis of the causes of English learning difficulties in grade four of primary school, the experimental teaching of "stratified approach" is adopted to change the learning status of students with learning difficulties, to prove the effectiveness of the transformation strategy, and to improve the students' learning achievement and interest in English learning. It is of great significance to improve the effect of English teaching. This study adopts the method of questionnaire and interview to investigate the learning situation of the students with English learning difficulties in the fourth grade of primary school, in order to analyze the causes of the students with English learning difficulties in the fourth grade. The purpose of this study is to solve two research questions: 1) what are the causes of English learning difficulties in grade four of primary school? (2) can stratified teaching effectively transform students with English learning difficulties in grade four? In this study, a total of 512 students from the fourth grade of Chengde County were enrolled in this study, which was conducted by the Education Bureau of Chengde County at the end of the first semester of the fourth grade. A total of 40 students with learning difficulties were randomly selected from each class (that is, the final grade of grade 4 was less than 60 points), and the causes of English learning difficulties in grade 4 were analyzed. Taking the final English test of the second semester of grade four organized by the Education Bureau of Chengde County as the post-test, The validity of the transformation strategy is proved by the contrast of achievement of 40 students with learning difficulties and the improvement of their interest in English learning. The collected data are analyzed by SPSS V19.0.This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one describes the research background of this study. The second chapter mainly describes the definition of students with English learning difficulties, the current research situation of students with learning difficulties at home and abroad and the characteristics of students with English learning difficulties, and introduces the theory of stratified teaching. Chapter three describes the methods used in this study. The content includes the research questions, objects, tools, methods and procedures. In Chapter 4th, the author analyzes the causes of English learning difficulties in the fourth grade of primary school by statistical survey of students with English learning difficulties and parents' interviews with teachers, and aims at the causes. The results show that stratified teaching method can effectively improve the learning status of students with learning difficulties, and their scores have been improved significantly, while 5th chapters are conclusions, limitations and suggestions. It is suggested that teachers should pay attention to the students with English learning difficulties in primary schools, analyze the different reasons for the formation of the students with learning difficulties, formulate scientific teaching reform methods and strategies to meet their special English learning needs and improve their academic performance.


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