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发布时间:2018-02-13 02:40

  本文关键词: 大学英语 分级教学 学习动机 动机激发 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Motivation is one of the most important factors influencing learners' foreign language learning effect, and has been paid much attention by scholars both at home and abroad. At present, the research on motivation of foreign language learning is more focused on the school and classroom education environment. With the development of educational theory and practice in our country, As an important measure in the reform of college English teaching, graded teaching has gradually been widely used in colleges and universities. Graded teaching is based on the educational concept of "people-oriented" and advocates to pay close attention to the learners' actual English proficiency. Respect for individual differences of learners, focus on motivating learners to improve their learning efficiency. This study attempts to combine foreign language learning motivation with college English teaching. First of all, The author combs the relevant factors of learning motivation and lays a foundation for the follow-up study. Secondly, the author investigates the intensity and type of learning motivation of college English graded teaching students, finds out the existing problems and ascribes them to them. In view of this, the present study is based on the background of college English graded teaching. To study the following three questions: (1) the distribution of students' learning motivation types in graded teaching of college English; (2) before and after graded teaching; Whether there are differences in the types and intensity of English learning motivation of the students in the experimental class? (3) before and after the graded teaching; On the basis of the research results of Senior one Hong, the author classifies college English learning motivation into five types: intrinsic motivation, achievement motivation and situational motivation. Social responsibility motivation and personal development motivation. The study found that there was no significant change in students' learning situation motivation before and after college English grading, but instrumental motivation accounted for the main proportion. And the intensity of motivation is unstable. At the same time, this study also puts forward the corresponding strategies to optimize and maintain the students' learning motivation, in order to help college English teaching at different levels.


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